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Bachelor and master students of the Informatics Institute received awards, published the results of their research, appeared in the media. and start as entrepreneurs. A selection.


MSc AI student combines geometry and topology in ICML paper. Floor Eijkelboom, a second-year student in the ELLIS honours program of the MSc AI at the UvA, recently published part of his master's thesis at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). ICML is known as one of the few top-tier conferences in machine learning research. June 2023, paper.

Piyush Bagad, a second-year student in the Master AI programme, has published a paper at Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), the world’s most prestigious AI conference. It is also the first time a Master AI student from UvA publishes at CVPR. April 2023, paper.


Dante Niewenhuis, MSc student AI published and defended a paper on ECTA 2022. It was a direct result of his MSc-thesis AI at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. December 2022, paper.

Researchers Jaap Kaandorp, Rob Belleman of the Informatics Institute, Computational Science lab (CSL) and master student Inge Bieger have developed a new method to use the analysis of 3D images to quantify the morphology of complex-formed and branching corals. September 2022, article.

Analysis of radiographic data from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Master student Zaida Rivai developed a model for the analysis of joint damage from radiographic data from 1066 patients. Zaida has done this work as part of her graduation work for the master Computational Science. July 2022, article.

Eight students of the Intelligent Robotics Lab of the Universiteit van Amsterdam will compete in the Battle of the Institutions at the Robotics Hackaton at the European Robotics Forum. June 2022, Hackaton.

Successful FACT-AI course leads to student awards. Students who took the course ‘Fairness, Accountability, Confidentiality and Transparency in AI’ of the Informatics Institute, won the Best Paper Award and two Outstanding Paper Awards in the Machine Learning Reproducibility Challenge 2021. Of the 43 accepted papers, 21 were IvI students. What makes the FACT-AI course so successful? June 2022, paper awards.

 Jaap Kaandorp of the Informatics Institute and master student CSL Helena Willard have developed a method to make a bioprint of the micro environment in a living coral with symbionts. This method makes it possible to develop synthetic designer corals with new properties. June 2022, article.

New method developed for analysing 3D images of otoliths. Jaap Kaandorp and Rob Belleman of the Informatics Institute, Computational Science lab (CSL) have developed a new method to analyze 3D images and quantify the 3D morphology of these mm sized biomineralized structures.June 2022, paper.


MSc AI student Anna Langedijk and former MSc AI student Verna Dankers of the Informatics Institute have won a best paper award at the Computational Conference for Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) with an analysis of how neural networks learn and process language. November 2021, award.

Artificial intelligence researchers and master student become entrepreneurs. Artificial intelligence must become one of the UvA's spearheads in the coming years. Researchers Harro Stokman, Svetlana Kordumova and master's student Stefan Reuther set up a successful start-up with the help of artificial intelligence. March 2021 in Dutch, start-up.

Information Studies Master’s students Rajeev Kalloe, Priya Jogie, Damian den Ouden, Priyanka Singh and Fajar Fathurrahman, predict traffic density at public transport stations. March 2021, news item.

AI student Janne Spijkervet helps to make a music hit with the help of smart algorithms. January 2021, media NPO3 Zapp.


Master Student AI Joeri Sleegers wins best paper award at ECTA 2020. December 2020, award.

Young Talent Incentive Award for Erik Buis student computer science and technical computer science. November 2020, award.

AI alumnus Sindy Löwe wins KNVI Thesis Prize for Informatica and Informatiekunde. Sindy also won the UvA thesis prize 2020 for her graduation work. And at the NeurIPS conferencere she received one of the six 'outstanding new directions paper awards'. November 2020, award & thesis prize.

AI-Bachelor student Marleen de Jonge publishes two papers at confenernces on Plant Propagation Algorithm. Paper April & September 2020.

Collaboration between Reitze Jansen, master artificial intelligence and Yannick Vinkesteijn, master computational scienc, supervised by Daan van den Berg, leads to GECCO-publication. July 2020, publication.

AI students Joerie Sleegers, Richard Olij, Gijs van Horn, supervised by Daan van den Berg, publish paper about a flaw in famous study on Traveling salesman problem. July 2020, paper.

AI Song Contest. Master’s student Janne Spijkervet. April 2020, news item & media.

An Idea From Physics Helps AI See in Higher Dimensions. Publication of Taco Cohen, master student AI and reserachers Maurice Weiler, Berkay Kicanaoglu and Max Welling. January 2020, publication.

Computer model describes essential step of embryonic development, graduation project by Maarten van der Sande and supervised by Jaap Kaandorp, computational biologists. January 2020, publication.


Wouter Vrielink, Master's student in Computational Science, publishes thesis on 'Fireworks Algorithm versus Plant Propagation Algorithm' at ECTA2019. November 2019, publication.

Anthi Symeonidou, data science master student, won the best poster award about 'Identifying Adverse drug reactions with machine learning' at SEMANTiCS 2019. October 2019, award.

CBS  (Statistics Netherlands) publish research resultes on fair algorithms of master's student AI Rik Helwegen. August 2019, news item & CBS.

Bram van den Akker, MSc AI student, wins the best short paper award for  the paper 'ViTOR: Learning to Rank Webpages based on Visual Features' at The Web Conference 2019. May 2019, award.

Artificial Intelligence Master's students Luca Falorsi, Pim de Haan and Tim Davidson present their research on 'Reparameterizing distributions' at leading Machine Learning conference. February 2020, presentation.