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The three bachelor programmes are taught in Dutch, although most educational material is provided in English. The bachelor programmes are embedded in the College of Informatics (CoI) and is led by Rob Belleman.

Laying the foundation for an academic or professional career in a knowledge-based and data-rich environment:

Computer Science - Addressing all aspects of computer systems and networks, from theory to application.

Artificial Intelligence - Understanding and building learning computers and applications.

Information Studies - Studying key factors involved in the development, application, distribution and impact of ICT.

Bachelor theses

The Faculty of Science maintains a website with a database of students' theses.

20 years Faculty of Science

The past, present and future of Informatics. Interview with bachelor student computer science Florine de Geus and computer scientist Andy Pimentel. Version in English or Dutch.

The past, present and future of Artificial Intelligence. Interview with information scientist Arnoud Visser and master student Janne Spijkervet. Version in English or Dutch.

The past, present and future of Information Studies. Interview with programme director for Information Science Jacobijn Sandberg and student Yunus Demir. Version in English or Dutch.