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23 February 2024
Complex networks in audit
Author: M. (Marcel) Boersma

Supervisors: B.D. Kandhai, A.G. Hoekstra
Group: Computational Science Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

23 February 2024
Table Representation Learning
Author: M. (Madelon) Hulsebos

Supervisor: P.T. Groth
Co-supervisor: C. Demiralp
Group: INtelligent Data Engineering Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

21 February 2024
Repetition and exploration in recommendation
Author: M. (Ming) Li

Supervisor: M. de Rijke
Co-supervisor: A. Yates
Group: Information Retrieval Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

16 February 2024
From empowering to motivating
Enhancing policy enforcement through process design and incentive implementation

Author: X. (Xin) Zhou
Supervisors: C.T.A.M. de Laat, T.M. van Engers
Co-supervisors: A.S.Z. Belloum, S. Klous
Group: Complex Cyber Infrastructure
Link: Read or download this thesis.

16 February 2024
Face comparison in forensics
A deep dive into deep learning and likelihood rations

Author: A. (Andrea) Macarulla Rodríguez

Supervisors: Z.J.M.H. Geradts, M. Worring
Group: Multimedia Analytics Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

07 February 2024
Learning recommender systems from biased user interactions
Author: J. (Jin) Huang

Supervisor: M. de Rijke
Co-supervisors: H. van Hoof, H.R. Oosterhuis 
Group: Information Retrieval Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

06 February 2024
Resource-aware scheduling for 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems
Author: Y. (Yixian) Shen

Supervisor: A.D. Pimentel
Co-supervisor: A. Pathania
Group: Parallel Computing Systems
Link: Read or download this thesis