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The Informatics Institute is located at LAB42

Visiting address
UvA - LAB42 -  Science Park 900, 1098 XH Amsterdam

Website LAB42

Postal address
University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute
P.O. Box 94323
1090 GH Amsterdam

Contact information

General questions
telephone: + 31 (0) 20 525 7460
room L5.07 

Educational questions
For educational matters directly contact the Education Desk FNWI:

Acquisition is not appreciated.

Management Informatics Institute
Directie secretariaat: room L5.07, 

HR and finance
room L5.04
HR related questions: e-mail:
Financial matters: e-mail

Press contact
Mieke van den Berg
room L5.06
telephone +31 (0)6 1091 2431

Faculty of Science
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
telephone: +31 (0)20 525 8626

Management support office

Drs. J.A. (José) van Eeuwijk-Engberts MSc

Institute manager

Business operations: Financial & Personnel Affairs

N. (Nezar) Mahfoud MSc

Assistant institute manager

P.G. (Pablo) Di Capua

Coordinator personnel affairs

F.B. (Erik) Hitipeuw

Management assistant personnel affairs

P. (Pieta) Zwanenburg

Management assistant personnel affairs

T.B. (Bhuti) Lha She Tsang

Assistant controller


Support for research groups, ICAI Labs and management.
Send your requests to secr-ii-science: <>

I. (Ivana) Markovic-Koerts

Management assistant: p.a. Professor Maarten de Rijke

V.M.J. (Virginie) Mes

Management assistant research groups: CV, SIAS, AMLab, LTL, LG; COMMIT / Professor Arnold Smeulders; and ICAI Labs: QUVA Lab, ATLAS Lab, CAIL Delta Lab

M. (Maja) Trajkovska Pedd

Management assistant research groups: CCI, CSL, DIL, MNS, LG

Drs. P. (Petra) Venema

Management assistant research groups: INDElab, MultiX, PCS, TCS, VIS, LG; and ICAI Labs: AIM Lab, POP-AART; ICAI Amsterdam.

Communications advisor

M.M. (Mieke) van den Berg

Communication advisor

External relations

E. (Esther) Smit MSc

Manager external relations Informatics Institute

Thesis fairs and educational planning

Y.G.F. (Yasmin) Santis MA

Coordinator educational planning


ICAI : : Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence

E. (Esther) Smit MSc

Manager external relations Informatics Institute and business director ICAI

K. (Katerina) Makrogamvraki MSc

Programme manager ICAI

B.L.O. (Benedicta) Badu BSc

Communication manager ICAI

J.C.L. (Jeanne) Kroeger MSc

Project manager ICAI Amsterdam

P. (Petra) Best

Project assistant ICAI

S. (Siddique) Sheikh

Business developer LAB42


Amsterdam AI               
Adra-e : The AI, Data and Robotics Association ecosystem
Ellis      : European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems

A.R. (Anna-Rose) Clayton

Communication manager Amsterdam AI

M.V. (Maitena) Iglesias Diaz MSc

Project leader - Coordinator of European AI-Ecosystem Development

A. (Adela) Pranindiati

AI Community manager Ellis

LifeLong Learning

L. (Liza) Lambert MA

Program manager

I. (Ivana) Markovic-Koerts

Marketing & communication