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Ethical assesment of research is part of the Research Management Services (RMS), an online environment in which the researcher and the data steward, privacy officer and/or a member of the Ethics Committee will handle the 'paperwork' needed for a research proposal. In this way researchers comply with the laws and regulations concerning research in an easy and well-organized way.

More information on the different Ethics Committees at the Faculty of Science can be found in the AZ-pages of FNWI. If you cannot access these pages (for example because you are a student and not staff); please talk with your supervisor.

Ethics Committee for Information Sciences (ECIS)

  • Prof. dr. J.A. Good (IvI) - Chair
  • A. Vreeken MSc (IvI) - Secretary
  • Dr. W.H. Zuidema (ILLC)
  • Dr. E. Gavves (IvI)