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Inspiring the next generation with stare-of-the art knowledge and skills

One of the missions of the Informatics Institute is to train talent by high-quality academic education in diverse areas of informatics. Our vision is to form students to tackle the big societal problems of the 21st century, by offering them a solid foundation. With educating successful future professionals and researchers we built a link between society and science.

The staff of the Informatics Institute are professionals who perform at their best to engage in world class scientific research, inspiring academic education, and recognised valorisation.

The three bachelors and the seven masters are respectively embedded in the College of Informatics (CoI) and the Graduate School of Informatics (GSI).

The College of Informatics is led by Rob Belleman.

Dr. R.G. (Rob) Belleman

Faculty of Science

Informatics Institute

The Graduate School of Informatics is led by Paul Groth.

Prof. P.T. (Paul) Groth

Faculty of Science

Informatics Institute