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14 December 2023
User-oriented recommender systems in retail
Author: M. (Mozhdeh) Ariannezhad

Supervisor: M. de Rijke.
Co-supervisor: S. Schelter
Group: Information Retrieval Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

11 December 2023
Machine learning tasks and representations for heterogeneous information networks
Author: Y. (Yang) Fang.

Supervisor: M. de Rijke.
Co-supervisor: A. Yates
Group: Information Retrieval Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

08 December 2023
Video-efficient foundation models
Author: F.M. (Fida) Thoker.

Supervisor: C.G.M. Snoek.
Co-supervisor: H.R. Doughty
Group: Video & Image Sense Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

06 December 2023
Re-examining assumptions in fair and unbiased learning to rank
Author: A. (Ali) Vardasbi

Supervisor: M. de Rijke.
Co-supervisor: M. Dehghani
Group: Information Retrieval Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

08 November 2023
Structural constraints in neural network representations
Author: A.A. (Adeel) Pervez

Supervisor: E. Gavves
Co-supervisor: C.G.M. Snoek
Group: Video & Image Sense Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

07 November 2023
Natural inductive biases for artificial intelligence
Author: T.A. (Thomas) Keller

Supervisor: M. Welling.
Co-supervisor: H.C. van Hoof
Group: Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

01 November 2023
Towards effective performance diagnosis for distributed applications
Author: R. (Ruyue) Xin

Supervisors: C.T.A.M. de Laat, P. Grosso
Co-supervisor: Z. Zhao
Group: Multiscale Networked Systems
Link: Read or download this thesis

25 October 2023
Going into depth
Learning morphological aspects in data modalities using neural networks

Author: R.W. (Richard) Groenendijk

Supervisor: T. Gevers
Co-supervisor: S. Karaoglu, L. Dorst
Group: Computer Vision research group
Link: Read or download this thesis

4 October 2023
Computational models of emergent organisation in conflict environments
Author: J.R. (Jurjen) Helmus

Supervisors: P.M.A. Sloot, T.M. van Engers
Co-supervisor: A.I. Barros
Group: Computational Science Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

14 July 2023
Machine perception of interactivity in videos
Author: S. (Shuo) Chen

Supervisor: C.G.M. Snoek.
Co-supervisor: P.S.M. Mettes
Group: Video & Image Sense Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

13 July 2023
Label-efficient learning to see
Author: T. (Tao) Hu

Supervisor: C.G.M. Snoek.
Co-supervisor: P.S.M. Mettes
Group: Video & Image Sense Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis


12 July 2023
Symmetry and structure in deep reinforcement learning
Author: E. (Elise) van der Pol

Supervisor: M. Welling
Co-supervisors: H.C. van Hoof, F.A. Oliehoek
Group: Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

4 July 2023
Continuity in 3D visual learning
Author: Y. (Yunlu) Chen

Supervisor: E. Gavves
Co-supervisors: A.W.M. Smeulders, T.E.J. Mensink
Group: Video & Image Sense Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis


15 June 2023
Symmetry-based learning from limited data
Author: I. (Ivan) Sosnovik

Supervisor: A.W.M. Smeulders
Co-supervisor: C.G.M. Snoek
Group: Video & Image Sense Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis


15 June 2023
Bayesian optimization on non-conventional search spaces
Author: C. (Changyong) Oh

Supervisor: M. Welling
Co-supervisors: E. Gavves, R. Bondesan
Group: Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis


12 June 2023
Adapting to the social environment that we create together
Author: L. (Loes) Crielaard

Supervisors: K. Stronks, P.M.A. Sloot
Co-supervisors: M. Nicolaou, R. Quax
Group: Computational Science Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

24 May 2023
Energy- and time-aware scheduling for heterogeneous high-performance embedded systems
Author: J.P. (Julius) Röder

Supervisor: A.D. Pimentel
Co-supervisor: C.U. Grelck, S.J. Altmeyer
Group: Parallel Computing Systems
Link: Read or download this thesis

17 May 2023
New directions in human-centered language technology
Understanding and improving NLP models
Author: M. (Maartje) ter Hoeve

Supervisor: M. de Rijke. Co-supervisor: Y. Kiseleva
Group: Information Retrieval Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis

16 May 2023
Vision based kinship recognition
Author: W. (Wei) Wang

Supervisor: T. Gevers
Co-supervisors: S. You, S. Karaoglu
Group: Computer Vision research group
Link: Read or download this thesis

26 April 2023
Photometric invariance for intrinsic image decomposition
Author: P. (Partha) Das

Supervisor: T. Gevers
Co-supervisor: S. Karaoglu
Group: Computer Vision research group
Link: Read or download this thesis

23 March 2023
Normalizing flows and diffusion models for discrete and geometric data
Author: P. (Patrick) Putzky

Supervisor: M. Welling
Co-supervisor: M.W.A. Caan
Group: Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis


17 March 2023
Non-linear dynamics of charging behaviour under growth stress
Author: J.R. (Jurjen) Helmus

Supervisor: P.M.A. Sloot
Co-supervisors: R. van den Hoed, M.A. Lees
Group: Computational Science Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis


16 March 2023
Normalizing flows and diffusion models for discrete and geometric data
Author: E. (Emiel) Hoogeboom

Supervisor: M. Welling.
Co-supervisor: H.C. van Hoof
Group: Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab
Link: Read or download this thesis