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Dr. B. (Bert) Bredeweg

Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: LAB42
Postal address
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
  • Profile
  • Publications


    • Bouisaghouane, I., Holt, J., Bredeweg, B., & Russo, P. (2024). The Dutch Black Hole Consortium: How can modern science support concept learning in primary education to motivate and engage learners from all backgrounds? Astronomy Education Journal, 2024(special issue).
    • Dekker, I., Bredeweg, B., te Winkel, W., & van de Poel, I. (2024). Ethical procedures for responsible experimental evaluation of AI-based education interventions. AI and Ethics.
    • Gkreka, C., & Bredeweg, B. (2024). GENAI IN PRIMARY EDUCATION: THE CASE OF CHATGPT AND CONCEPT MAPPING WITH DYNALEARN. In ICERI2024 Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 9024-9032). (ICERI2024). IATED.
    • Holt, J., Hanse, J., Vaendel, D., Bredeweg, B., Kragten, M., Bloemen, S., Baan, M., & Groot, P. (2024). Stargazing Live!: Inspiring with semi-live astronomy data; teaching curriculum topics using smart education tools. Astronomy Education Journal, 2024(special issue).
    • Kragten, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2024). Calcium Regulation Assignment: Alternative Styles in Successfully Learning About Biological Mechanisms. In A. M. Olney, I.-A. Chounta, Z. Liu, O. C. Santos, & I. I. Bittencourt (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 25th International Conference, AIED 2024, Recife, Brazil, July 8–12, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Vol. 1, pp. 220–234). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14829). Springer. [details]
    • Kragten, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2024). The effectiveness of lightweight automated support for learning about dynamic systems with qualitative representations. In The 39th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing: April 8-April 12, 2024 (pp. 11-20). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Kragten, M., Hoogma, T. E., & Bredeweg, B. (2024). Integration of a Teacher Dashboard in a Hybrid Support Approach for Constructing Qualitative Representations. In R. Ferreira Mello, N. Rummel, I. Jivet, G. Pishtari, & J. A. Ruipérez Valiente (Eds.), Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education. EC-TEL 2024. (pp. 208–221). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 15159). Springer.
    • Kragten, M., de Boer, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2024). Learning about Climate Change and Decline of Biodiversity by Constructing a Qualitative Representation. The Physics Teacher, 62(2), 119-122. [details]
    • Kruit, P. M., Bredeweg, B., & Nieuwelink, H. (2024). Addressing socio-scientific issues with interactive concept cartoons: design of a web-based educational instrument. International Journal of Science Education. Advance online publication.
    • Kruit, P. M., Bredeweg, B., & Nieuwelink, H. (2024). Enhancing students' argumentation skills, content knowledge, and Nature of Science understanding through a web-based educational instrument in the context of socio-scientific issues. International Journal of Science Education. Advance online publication.
    • Marcellis, M., Frerejean, J., Bredeweg, B., Brand‐Gruwel, S., & van Merrienboer, J. J. G. (2024). Motivating students in competency‐based education programmes: designing blended learning environments. Learning Environments Research, 27(3), 761–776. [details]
    • van Eijck, T. J. W., Bredeweg, B., Holt, J., Pijls, M. H. J., Bouwer, A. J., Hotze, A., Louman, E., Ouchchahd, A., & Sprinkhuizen, M. J. (2024). Combining hands-on and minds-on learning with interactive diagrams in primary science education. International Journal of Science Education. Advance online publication.


    • Bredeweg, B., Kragten, M., Holt, J., Kruit, P., van Eijck, T., Pijls, M., Bouwer, A., Sprinkhuizen, M., Jaspar, E., & de Boer, M. (2023). Learning with Interactive Knowledge Representations. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(9), Article 5256. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Kragten, M., Holt, J., Vaendel, D., Hanse, J., & Bloemen, S. (2023). Qualitative models to learn about star properties, star states, and the balance between fusion and gravity. In B. Bredeweg, & J. de Kleer (Eds.), Proceedings of the QR 2023 : 36th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning: co-located with the European Conference on Artificial Intyelligence (ECAI) : Krakow, Poland - October 1st, 2023 (pp. 9-16)
    • Bredeweg, B., Kragten, M., Holt, J., Vaendel, D., Hanse, J., & Bloemen, S. (2023). Stargazing Live! Inspiring with Real Data in a Mobile Planetarium and Learning Through Conceptual Modelling. In C. Frasson, P. Mylonas, & C. Troussas (Eds.), Augmented Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 19th International Conference, ITS 2023 Corfu, Greece, June 2-5, 2023 Proceedings (pp. 257-269). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13891). Springer. [details]
    • Fleur, D. S., Marshall, M., Pieters, M., Brouwer, N., Oomens, G., Konstantinidis, A., Winnips, K., Moes, S., van den Bos, W., Bredeweg, B., & van Vliet, E. A. (2023). IguideME: Supporting Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement with Personalized Peer-Comparison Feedback in Higher Education. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(2), 100-114. [details]
    • Fleur, D. S., van den Bos, W., & Bredeweg, B. (2023). Social comparison in learning analytics dashboard supporting motivation and academic achievement. Computers and Education Open, 4, Article 100130. [details]
    • Kragten, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2023). Describing the characteristics of circular and elliptical motion using qualitative representations. In B. Bredeweg, & J. de Kleer (Eds.), Proceedings of the QR 2023 : 36th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning: co-located with the European Conference on Artificial Intyelligence (ECAI) : Krakow, Poland - October 1st, 2023 (pp. 41-48) [details]
    • Kragten, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2023). Learning About Circular Motion of Celestial Bodies with Interactive Qualitative Representations. In N. Wang, G. Rebolledo-Mendez, V. Dimitrova, N. Matsuda, & O. C. Santos (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners, Doctoral Consortium and Blue Sky : 24th International Conference, AIED 2023, Tokyo, Japan, July 3–7, 2023 : proceedings (pp. 314-320). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 1831). Springer. [details]
    • Kragten, M., Hoogma, T., & Bredeweg, B. (2023). Learning domain knowledge and systems thinking using qualitative representations in upper secondary and higher education. In B. Bredeweg, & J. de Kleer (Eds.), Proceedings of the QR 2023 : 36th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning: co-located with the European Conference on Artificial Intyelligence (ECAI) : Krakow, Poland - October 1st, 2023 (pp. 73-82) [details]
    • Munch, M., Kansou, K., Bredeweg, B., Baudrit, C., & Wuillemin, P.-H. (2023). Grounding Causality in Bayesian Networks Using Qualitative Reasoning. In B. Bredeweg, & J. de Kleer (Eds.), Proceedings of the QR 2023 : 36th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning: co-located with the European Conference on Artificial Intyelligence (ECAI) : Krakow, Poland - October 1st, 2023 (pp. 57-65) [details]
    • Pijls, M., van Eijck, T., & Bredeweg, B. (2023). Informal Learning in a Public Library Makerspace for Youth in the Netherlands. In R. M. Klapwijk, J. Gu, Q. Yang, & M. J. de Vries (Eds.), Maker Education Meets Technology Education: reflections on good practices (pp. 51-63). (International Technology Education Studies; Vol. 19). Brill. [details]
    • Van der Zee, S., Bredeweg, B., Embrechts, A., Hotze, A., Jonker, V., Keijzer, R., Kruiskamp, M., Nieveen, N., Muller-van der Molen, A., Pennink, D., Pijls, M., & Poortman, C. (2023). STEM-netwerk: leren van een landelijk lerend netwerk. Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 44(2), 21-36. [details]
    • ten Brink, M., Kanis, M., Bredeweg, B., Witschge, T., & Schouten, B. (2023). PhotoReflexivity : supporting reflexivity for students in design education. In D. de Sainz Molestina, L. Galluzzo, F. Rizzo, & D. Spallazzo (Eds.), The 2023 IASDR Congress : Life-changing Design: Milan 9th-13th October Article 181 Design Research Society. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., & Kragten, M. (2022). Requirements and challenges for hybrid intelligence: A case-study in education. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5, Article 891630. [details]
    • Calor, S., Dekker, I., Pennink, D., & Bredeweg, B. (2022). Solving domain-specific problems with computational thinking. In M. Specht, X. Zhang, C. Glahn, & N. Fanchamps (Eds.), CTE-STEM 2022 Conference (pp. 83-85). Technische Universiteit Delft. [details]
    • Kansou, K., Laurier, W., Charalambides, M. N., Della-Valle, G., Djekic, I., Feyissa, A. H., Marra, F., Thomopoulos, R., & Bredeweg, B. (2022). Food modelling strategies and approaches for knowledge transfer. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 120, 363-373. [details]
    • Kragten, M., Jaspar, E. J. O. A., & Bredeweg, B. (2022). Learning Domain Knowledge and Systems Thinking using Qualitative Representations in Secondary Education (grade 10-12). In N. Agell, & K. D. Forbus (Eds.), 35th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning: Vienna, Austria (pp. 13-22)
    • Kragten, M., Pijls, M., Jaspar, E., Sprinkhuizen, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2022). Representation-Driven Mixed Initiative in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in Secondary Education. In I. Hilliger, P. J. Muñoz-Merino, T. De Laet, A. Ortega-Arranz, & T. Farrell (Eds.), Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption: 17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2022, Toulouse, France, September 12–16, 2022 : proceedings (pp. 159-172). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13450). Springer. [details]
    • Pennink, D., Dekker, I., Calor, S., Pijls, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2022). Exploring embedded computational thinking in STEM teacher education. In M. Specht, X. Zhang, C. Glahn, & N. Fanchamps (Eds.), CTE-STEM 2022 Conference (pp. 90-91). Technische Universiteit Delft. [details]
    • Pijls, M., van Eijck, T., Kragten, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2022). Activities and Experiences of Children and Makerspace Coaches During After-School and School Programs in a Public Library Makerspace. Journal for STEM education research, 5(2), 163–186. Advance online publication. [details]
    • ten Brink, M., Bredeweg, B., & Schouten, B. (2022). Students’ Attitude Towards Technology Enhanced Photovoice to Support Critical Reflection. In F. De la Prieta, R. Gennari, M. Temperini, T. Di Mascio, P. Vittorini, Z. Kubincova, E. Popescu, D. Rua Carneiro, L. Lancia, & A. Addone (Eds.), Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 11th International Conference (pp. 32-41). (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; Vol. 326). Springer. [details]
    • ten Brink, M., Witschge, T., Bredeweg, B., & Schouten, B. (2022). Designing for self-awareness: supporting students' reflexive interactions based on photos. In C&C '22: Proceedings of the 14th Creativity and Cognition 2022 : June 20-23, 2022, Venice, Italy (pp. 161-170). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., Kragten, M., & Spitz, L. (2021). Learning about systems by developing interactive diagrams. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies: 5th-6th July, 2021 (pp. 6119-6123). (EDULEARN conference proceedings; Vol. 21). IATED. [details]
    • Fleur, D. S., Bredeweg, B., & van den Bos, W. (2021). Metacognition: ideas and insights from neuro- and educational sciences. NPJ Science of Learning, 6, Article 13. [details]
    • Spitz, L., Kragten, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2021). Exploring the Working and Effectiveness of Norm-Model Feedback in Conceptual Modelling – A Preliminary Report. In I. Roll, D. McNamara, S. Sosnovsky, R. Luckin, & V. Dimitrova (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 22nd International Conference, AIED 2021, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 14–18, 2021 : proceedings (Vol. II, pp. 325-330). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12749), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]


    • Fleur, D. S., van den Bos, W., & Bredeweg, B. (2020). Learning analytics dashboard for motivation and performance. In V. Kumar, & C. Troussas (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 16th International Conference, ITS 2020, Athens, Greece, June 8–12, 2020 : proceedings (pp. 411-419). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12149). Springer. [details]
    • Kruit, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2020). Interactive concept cartoons: Exploring an instrument for developing scientific literacy. In C. Alario-Hoyos, M. J. Rodríguez-Triana, M. Scheffel, I. Arnedillo-Sánchez, & S. M. Dennerlein (Eds.), Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education: 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2020, Heidelberg, Germany, September 14–18, 2020 : proceedings (pp. 404-409). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12315). Springer. [details]
    • Palha, S., Bouwer, A., Bredeweg, B., & Keulen, S. (2020). Self-construction and interactive simulations to support the learning of drawing graphs and reasoning in mathematics. In V. Kumar, & C. Troussas (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 16th International Conference, ITS 2020, Athens, Greece, June 8–12, 2020 : proceedings (pp. 364-370). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12149). Springer. [details]
    • Schabasser, C., & Bredeweg, B. (2020). Ein konzeptuelles Maintenance-Modell – Reaktiv oder proaktiv? ZWF : Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 115(1-2), 61-64. [details]
    • ter Horst, C., Kubbe, L., van de Rotten, B., Peters, K., Bouwer, A., & Bredeweg, B. (2020). Exploring the design and impact of online exercises for teacher training about dynamic models in mathematics. In C. Alario-Hoyos, M. J. Rodríguez-Triana, M. Scheffel, I. Arnedillo-Sánchez, & S. M. Dennerlein (Eds.), Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education: 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2020, Heidelberg, Germany, September 14–18, 2020 : proceedings (pp. 398-403). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12315). Springer. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B. (2019). Kunstmatige Intelligentie in het onderwijs: Leren met interactieve kennisrepresentaties. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
    • Hellings, J., Leek, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2019). StudyGotchi: Tamagotchi-Like Game-Mechanics to Motivate Students During a Programming Course. In M. Scheffel, J. Broisin, V. Pammer-Schindler, A. Ioannou, & J. Schneider (Eds.), Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies: 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2019, Delft, The Netherlands, September 16–19, 2019 : proceedings (pp. 622-625). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11722). Springer. [details]
    • Schabasser, C., & Bredeweg, B. (2019). Ein konzeptionelles Modell des Online-Lernens. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 70(4), 192-198. [details]


    • Schabasser, C., & Bredeweg, B. (2018). The company perspective of product variety: a conceptual model. In Z. Falomir, G. M. Coghill, & W. Pang (Eds.), Proceedings of the QR’18: 31st International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning: Co-located at Int’l Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’18), Stockholm, Sweden, 13 July 2018 (pp. 55-61). University of Aberdeen. [details]


    • Kansou, K., Rémond, C., Paës, G., Bonnin, E., Tayeb, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2017). Testing scientific models using Qualitative Reasoning: Application to cellulose hydrolysis. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 14122. [details]
    • Schabasser, C., & Bredeweg, B. (2017). A conceptual model of product variety. In M. Cingula, M. Przygoda, & K. Detelj (Eds.), Economic and Social Development: 23rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development : book of proceedings : Madrid, 15-16 September 2017 (pp. 507-514). (Economic and Social Development; Vol. 23). Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency. [details]
    • Schlatter, E., Bredeweg, B., van Drie, J., & de Jong, P. (2017). Can learning by qualitative modelling be deployed as an effective method for learning Subject-Specific Content? In É. Lavoué, H. Drachsler, K. Verbert, J. Broisin, & M. Pérez-Sanagustín (Eds.), Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education: 12th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2017, Tallinn, Estonia, September 12–15, 2017 : proceedings (pp. 479-485). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10474). Springer. [details]
    • van Diepen, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2017). Performance indicators for online secondary education: a case study. In T. Bosse, & B. Bredeweg (Eds.), BNAIC 2016: Artificial Intelligence: 28th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 10-11, 2016 : revised selected papers (pp. 169-177). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 765). Springer. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., & Forbus, K. D. (2016). Qualitative Representations for Education. In R. A. Sottilare, A. C. Graesser, X. Hu, A. M. Olney, B. D. Nye, & A. M. Sinatra (Eds.), Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Domain Modeling (pp. 55-68). (A Book in the Adaptive Tutoring Series; Vol. 4). US Army Research Laboratory.
    • Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., & Nicolaou, C. (2016). Assessing learner-constructed conceptual models and simulations of dynamic systems. In K. Verbert, M. Sharples, & T. Klobučar (Eds.), Adaptive and Adaptable Learning: 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2016, Lyon, France, September 13–16, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 357-362). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9891). Springer. [details]
    • Brouwer, N., Bredeweg, B., Latour, S., Berg, A., & van der Huizen, G. (2016). Learning Analytics Pilot with Coach2 - Searching for effective mirroring. In K. Verbert, M. Sharples, & T. Klobučar (Eds.), Adaptive and Adaptable Learning: 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2016, Lyon, France, September 13–16, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 363-369). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9891). Springer. [details]
    • Kansou, K., & Bredeweg, B. (2016). Testing scientific models using a QR model: Application to cellulose biodegradation. In Qualitative Reasoning: 29th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning : July 11th, 2016, New York, USA : IJCAI 2016 (pp. 58-65). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • van Diepen, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2016). Performance Indicators for Online Geography in Secondary Education. In T. Bosse, & B. Bredeweg (Eds.), BNAIC 2016 : Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence: proceedings of the Twenty-Eight Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence : Amsterdam, November 10-11, 2016 (pp. 206-207). (BNAIC; Vol. 28). Vrije Universiteit, Department of Computer Sciences. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., Nicolaou, C. T., Liem, J., & Constantinou, C. P. (2014). Towards Assessing and Grading Learner Created Conceptual Models. In S. Trausan-Matu, C. E. Boyer, M. Crosby, & K. Panourgia (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 12th International Conference, ITS 2014, Honolulu, HI, USA, June 5-9, 2014 : proceedings (pp. 442-447). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 8474). Springer. [details]
    • Kansou, K., & Bredeweg, B. (2014). Hypothesis assessment with qualitative reasoning: Modelling the Fontestorbes fountain. Ecological Informatics, 19, 71-89. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., Beek, W., Linnebank, F., Gracia, J., Lozano, E., Wißner, M., Bühling, R., Salles, P., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Borisova, P., & Mioduser, D. (2013). DynaLearn - An Intelligent Learning Environment for Learning Conceptual Knowledge. The AI Magazine, 34(4), 46-65. [details]
    • Kansou, K., Nuttle, T., Farnsworth, K., & Bredeweg, B. (2013). How plants changed the world: Using qualitative reasoning to explain plant macroevolution's effect on the long-term carbon cycle. Ecological Informatics, 17, 117-142. [details]
    • Or-Bach, R., & Bredeweg, B. (2013). Scripting the Collaboration for Exploiting the Learning Affordances of a Modeling Environment. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 10, 401-411. [details]
    • Or-Bach, R., & Bredeweg, B. (2013). Support options provided and required for modeling with DynaLearn - A case study. Education and Information Technologies, 18(4), 621-639. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Wißner, M., Linnebank, F., Liem, J., Bredeweg, B., & André, E. (2013). Question Generation and Adaptation Using a Bayesian Network of the Learner’s Achievements. In H. C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 16th International Conference, AIED 2013, Memphis, TN, USA, July 9-13, 2013 : proceedings (pp. 729-732). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 7926), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]
    • Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Muhar, S., & Bredeweg, B. (2013). Learning by Conceptual Modeling - Changes in Knowledge Structure and Content. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 6(3), 217-227. [details]



    • Beek, W., Bredeweg, B., & Latour, S. (2011). Context-Dependent Help for the DynaLearn Modelling and Simulation Workbench. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, & A. Mitrovic (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th international conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28-July 1, 2011 (pp. 420-422). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6738), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2011). International workshop on learning by modelling in science education. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, & A. Mitrovic (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th international conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28-July 1, 2011 (pp. 633). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. LNAI), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]
    • Lozano, E., Gracia, J., Liem, J., Gómez-Pérez, A., & Bredeweg, B. (2011). Semantic feedback for the enrichment of conceptual models. In KCAP 2011: proceedings of the 2011 Knowledge Capture Conference, June 2629, 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada (pp. 187-188). ACM. [details]
    • Noble, R., & Bredeweg, B. (2011). Use of the DynaLearn learning environment by naïve student modelers: Implications for automated support. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, & A. Mitrovic (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th international conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28-July 1, 2011 (pp. 519-521). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6738), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]
    • Or-Bach, R., & Bredeweg, B. (2011). Pair modeling with DynaLearn - Students' attitudes and actual effects. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 6, 119-135. [details]
    • Wißner, M., Beek, W., Lozano, E., Mehlmann, G., Linnebank, F., Liem, J., Häring, M., Bühling, R., Gracia, J., Bredeweg, B., & André, E. (2011). Character roles and interaction in the DynaLearn Intelligent Learning Environment. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, & A. Mitrovic (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International Conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28-July 1, 2011 (pp. 585-587). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6738), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]
    • Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Muhar, S., & Bredeweg, B. (2011). Evaluating the effects of a new qualitative simulation software (DynaLearn) on learning behavior, factual and causal understanding. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, & A. Mitrovic (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th international conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28-July 1, 2011 (pp. 594-596). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6738), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]


    • Bouwer, A., & Bredeweg, B. (2010). Graphical means for inspecting qualitative models of system behaviour. Instructional Science, 38(2), 173-208. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., Beek, W., Salles, P., & Linnebank, F. (2010). Learning spaces as representational scaffolds for learning conceptual knowledge of system behaviour. In M. Wolpers, P. A. Kirschner, M. Scheffel, S. Lindstaedt, & V. Dimitrova (Eds.), Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice: 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 28-October 1, 2010 : proceedings (pp. 46-61). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6383). Springer. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., Linnebank, F., Bühling, R., Wißner, M., Gracia del Río, J., Salles, P., Beek, W., & Gómez Pérez, A. (2010). DynaLearn: architecture and approach for investigating conceptual system knowledge acquisition. In V. Aleven, J. Kay, & J. Mostow (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 10th international conference, ITS 2010, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 14-18, 2010 : proceedings (Vol. 2, pp. 272-274). (Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 6095). Springer. [details]
    • Chaudhri, V. K., Bredeweg, B., Fikes, R., McIlraith, S., & Wellman, M. P. (2010). A categorization of KR&R methods for requirement analysis of a query answering knowledge base. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 209, 158-171. [details]
    • Gracia, J., Liem, J., Lozano, E., Corcho, O., Trna, M., Gómez-Pérez, A., & Bredeweg, B. (2010). Semantic techniques for enabling knowledge reuse in conceptual modelling. In P. F. Patel-Schneider, Y. Pan, P. Hitzler, P. Mika, L. Zhang, J. Z. Pan, I. Horrocks, & B. Glimm (Eds.), The Semantic Web – ISWC 2010: 9th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2010, Shanghai, China, November 7-11, 2010 : revised selected papers (Vol. 2, pp. 82-97). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6497). Springer. [details]
    • Liem, J., Beek, W., & Bredeweg, B. (2010). Differentiating qualitative representations into learning spaces. In J. de Kleer, & K. D. Forbus (Eds.), 24th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR’10), Portland, Oregon, USA (pp. 37-46). Qualitative Reasoning Group, Northwestern University. [details]
    • Milošević, U., & Bredeweg, B. (2010). From qualitative reasoning models to Bayesian-based learner modeling. In J. de Kleer, & K. D. Forbus (Eds.), 24th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR’10), Portland, Oregon, USA (pp. 132-137) [details]
    • Milošević, U., & Bredeweg, B. (2010). Qualitative models of global warming amplifiers. In J. de Kleer, & K. D. Forbus (Eds.), 24th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR’10), Portland, Oregon, USA (pp. 54-59) [details]



    • Bredeweg, B. (2008). Mediating Knowledge on Sustainability using Qualitative Reasoning Technology. In ICT-ENSURE: Building the European Research Area in the Field of ICT for Environmental Sustainability, EnviroInfo 2008 ICT-ENSURE Workshop Shaker.
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A. L. R., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., & Zitek, A. (2008). Towards a structured approach to building qualitative reasoning models and simulations. Ecological Informatics, 3(1), 1-12. [details]
    • Liem, J., Buisman, H., & Bredeweg, B. (2008). Supporting conceptual knowledge capture through automatic modelling. In B. Peischl, N. Snooke, G. Steinbauer, & C. Witteveen (Eds.), MBS 2008 - Workshop on Model-Based Systems: Workshop proceedings (pp. 13-17). University of Patras. [details]
    • Liem, J., Buisman, H., & Bredeweg, B. (2008). Supporting conceptual knowledge capture through automatic modelling. In W. Bridewell, T. Calder, A. K. de Medeiros, S. Kramer, M. Pechenizkiy, & L. Todorovski (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Induction of Process Models (IPM 2008) (pp. 37-44) [details]
    • Liem, J., Buisman, H., & Bredeweg, B. (2008). Supporting conceptual knowledge capture through automatic modelling: A preliminary progress report. In E. Bradley, & L. Travé-Massuyès (Eds.), 22nd International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (pp. 83-87). University of Colorado. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., Jellema, J., Bertels, D., Linnebank, F., & Liem, J. (2007). Garp3 - A new Workbench for Qualitative Reasoning and Modelling. In D. Sleeman, & K. Barker (Eds.), The 4th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2007) (pp. 183-184).,ACM&CFID=21133971&CFTOKEN=51737919 [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., & Nuttle, T. (2007). Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models about environmental sustainability. AI Communications, 20(1), 49-58. [details]
    • Liem, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2007). OWL and qualitative reasoning models. In C. Freksa, M. Kohlhase, & K. Schill (Eds.), KI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 29th Annual German Conference on AI (Vol. 4314, pp. 33-48). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. [details]
    • Liem, J., Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2007). Collaborative Conceptual Modeling: Share, Search and Reuse. In C. Price (Ed.), 21st International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR'07) (pp. 71-78). [details]
    • Liem, J., Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., & Linnebank, F. (2007). Garp3 - Workbench for Qualitative Modelling and Simulation. In M. Dastani, & E. de Jong (Eds.), 19th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2007) (pp. 435-436). [details]


    • Almer, A., Barz, P., Nuttle, T., Bredeweg, B., Charvat, K., Iercan, O., Jochum, M., Koch, B., Salles, P., & Stelzl, H. (2006). NATURNET-REDIME: New Education and Decision Support Model for Active Behaviour in Sustainable Development Based on Innovative Web Services and Qualitative Reasoning. In K. Tochtermann, & A. Scharl (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo 2006) (pp. 335-340). [details]
    • Almer, A., Barz, P., Nuttle, T., Bredeweg, B., Charvat, K., Iercan, O., Jochum, M., Koch, B., Salles, P., & Stelzl, H. (2006). New Education and Decision Support Model for Active Behaviour in Sustainable Development Based on Innovative Web Services and Qualitative Reasoning. In Proceedings of the XII European Conference on Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry (pp. 1-11). [details]
    • Bessa Machado, V., Groen, R., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). Towards support in building qualitative knowledge models. In C. K. Looi, G. McCalla, B. Bredeweg, & B. Breuker (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology (pp. 395-402). IOS Press. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., Jellema, J., Bertels, D., Linnebank, F., & Liem, J. (2006). Garp3 - A new Workbench for Qualitative Reasoning and Modelling. In C. Bailey-Kellogg, & B. Kuipers (Eds.), Proceedings of 20th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR-06) (pp. 21-28). [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., Jellema, J., Bertels, D., Linnebank, F., & Liem, J. (2006). Garp3 - A new Worksbench for Qualitative Reasoning and Modelling. In F. Wotawa (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Model Based Systems Workshop (MBS'06) (pp. 67-74). [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., & Neumann, M. (2006). Ecological Applications of Qualitative Reasoning. In F. Recknagel (Ed.), Ecological Informatics: Scope, Techniques and Applications (2 ed., pp. 15-47). Springer. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A. J., & Liem, J. (2006). Towards a Structured Approach to Qualitative Modelling. In C. Bailey-Kellog, & B. Kuipers (Eds.), Proceedings of 20th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR-06) (pp. 29-36). [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A. L. R., Uzonov, Y., Varadinova, E., & Zitek, A. (2006). Towards a Structured Approach to Qualitative Modelling. In F. Wotawa (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Model Based Systems Workshop (MBS'06) (pp. 85-93). [details]
    • Hoekstra, R., Liem, J., Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, J. (2006). Requirements for Representing Situations. In B. Cuenca Grau, P. Hitzler, C. Shankey, & E. Wallace (Eds.), Proceedings of the OWLED*06 Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions: Athens, Georgia (USA) November 10-11, 2006 Article 27 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 216). CEUR-WS. [details]
    • Liem, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). OWL and qualitative reasoning models. In Proceedings of 18th BeNeLux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'06) (pp. 407-408). [details]
    • Liem, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). OWL and qualitative reasoning models. In C. Freksa, M. Kohlhase, & K. Schill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI2006) (pp. 1-15). [details]
    • Nuttle, T., Salles, P., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., Nakova, E., Cioaca, E., Covaliov, S., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Neumann, M., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., Caldas, A. L. R., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). Navigating a Landscape of Sustainability Concepts: Towards Progressive Learning Routes within and among Qualitative Reasoning Models. In M. Oprea, M. Sanchez-Marre, & F. Wotawa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th ECAI Workshop on Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (BESAI 2006) Article 1. [details]
    • Price, C. J., Trave-Massuyes, L., Milne, R., Ironi, L., Bredeweg, B., Lee, M. H., Struss, P., Snooke, N., Lucas, P., & Cavazza, M. (2006). Qualitative futures. Knowledge Engineering Review, 21(4), 317-334. [details]
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). Modelling Population and Community Dynamics with Qualitative Reasoning. Ecological Modelling, 195(1-2), 114-128. [details]
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). Modelos conceituais baseados em Raciocínio Qualitativo. In G. M. da Nóbrega (Ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop Informática e Aprendizagem em Organizações (pp. 1-11). [details]
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Auraujo, S. (2006). Qualitative models about stream ecosystem recovery: Exploratory studies. Ecological Modelling, 194(1-3), 80-89. [details]
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Bensunan, N. (2006). The ants' garden: Qualitative models of complex interactions between populations. Ecological Modelling, 194(1-3), 90-100. [details]


    • Bessa Machado, V., Groen, R., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). Towards support in building qualitative knowledge models. In M. Hofbaur, B. Rinner, & F. Wotawa (Eds.), 19th Interrnational Workshop on Qualitative knowledge models (QR '05) (pp. 65-71) [details]
    • Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). Generating Structured Explanations of System Behaviour Using Qualitative Simulations. In C. K. Looi, G. McCalla, B. Bredeweg, & B. Breuker (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology (Vol. 125, pp. 756-758). IOS Press. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2005). The Ants' Garden: Complex Interactions between Populations and the Scalability of Qualitative Models. AI Communications, 18, 305-316. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Neuman, M., Nuttle, T., Price, C., Russell, I., Thomas, J., & Wotowa, F. (2005). Vision for the Future of Education Systems based on Qualitative Reasoning. In M. Hofbaur, B. Rinner, & F. Wotowa (Eds.), 19th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR '05) [details]
    • Nuttle, T., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2005). A Qualitative Model of Plant Growth Based on Exploitation of Resources. In M. Hofbaur, B. Rinner, & F. Wotowa (Eds.), 19th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR '05) (pp. 47-53) [details]
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Nuttle, T. (2005). Qualitative Models of Indicators of Environmental Sustainability of the Millennium Development Goals. In C. Picardi, P. Salles, & F. Wotawa (Eds.), Notes of the 2nd MONET Workshop on Model-Based Systems (MONET '05) (pp. 66-72) [details]
    • Salles, P., Lima- Salles, H., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). The Use of Qualitative Reasoning Models of Interactions between Populations to Support Causal Reasoning of Deaf Students. In C. K. Looi, G. McCalla, B. Bredeweg, & B. Breuker (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology (pp. 579-586). IOS Press. [details]
    • Salles, P., Lima- Salles, H., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). The Use of Qualitative Reasoning Models of Interactions between Populations to Support Causal Reasoning of Deaf Students. In C. K. Looi, M. Hofbaur, G. McCalla, B. Rinner, B. Bredeweg, F. Wotowa, & B. Breuker (Eds.), 19th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR '05) (pp. 163-172). IOS Press. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., & Struss, P. (2004). Current topics in qualitative reasoning. The AI Magazine, 24(4), 13-16.
    • Neumann, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2004). A Qualitative Model of the Nutrient Spiraling in Lotic Ecosystems to Support Decision Makers for River Management. In K. Forbus, & J. Kleer, de (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Qulitative Reasoning (QR'04) (pp. 159-164).
    • Nuttle, T. J., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2004). Qualitative Reasoning about Food Webs: Exploring Alternative Representations. In K. Forbus, & J. de Kleer (Eds.), Proceedings 18th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR'04) [details]
    • Nuttle, T. J., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2004). Qualitative Reasoning about Food Webs: Exploring Alternative Representations. In K. Forbus, & J. de Kleer (Eds.), Proceedings 4th ECAI Workshop on Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 7.1-7.9). [details]
    • Salles, H., Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2004). Qualitative Reasoning in the Education of deaf Students: Scientific Education and Acquisition of Portugese as a second Language. In K. Forbus, & J. Kleer, de (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR '04) (pp. 97-104).
    • Salles, H., Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2004). Qualitative Reasoning in the Education of deaf Students: Scientific Education and Acquisition of Portuguese as a second Language. In J. C. Lester, R. M. Vicari, & F. Paraguaçu (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 7th International Conference, ITS 2004, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, August 30 - September 3, 2004 : proceedings (pp. 867-869). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 3220). Springer.
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Araujo, S. (2004). Qualitative Models about Stream Ecosystem Recovery: Exploratory Studies. In S. Dzeroski, M. Debaljak, & B. Zenko (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Ecological Modelling (pp. 107-108)
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Bensusan, N. (2004). The Ants' Garden: Qualitative Models of complex Interactions between Populations. In M. Oprea, & M. Sanchez-Marre (Eds.), Proceedings 4th ECAI Workshop on Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 6.1-6.8) [details]
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Bensusan, N. (2004). The Ants' Garden: Qualitative Models of complex Interactions between Populations. In S. Dzeroski, M. Debeljak, & B. Zenko (Eds.), Proceedings 4th European Conference on Ecological Modelling (pp. 107-108) [details]


    • Bessa Machado, V., & Bredeweg, B. (2003). Building Qualitative Models with HOMER: A Study in Usability and Support. In P. Salles, & B. Bredeweg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International workshop on Qualitative reasoning (pp. 39-46).
    • Bredeweg, B., & Forbus, K. (2003). Qualitative Modeling in Education. The AI Magazine, 24(4), 35-46.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Struss, P. (2003). Current Topics in Qualitative Reasoning (editorial introduction). The AI Magazine, 24(4), 13-16.
    • Goddijn, F., Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2003). Automatically Generating Tutoring Questions for Qualitative Simulations. In P. Salles, & B. Bredeweg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International workshop on Qualitative reasoning (QR '03) (pp. 87-94).
    • Salles, B., Bredeweg, B., Araujo, S., & Neto, W. (2003). Qualitative models of interactions between two populations. AI Communications, 16(4), 291-308.
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2003). A case study of collaborative modelling: building qualitative models in ecology. In U. Hoppe, F. Verdejo, & J. Kay (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Shaping the Future of Learning through Intelligent Technologies (pp. 245-252). IOS-Press/Ohmsha.
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2003). Qualitative Reasoning about Population and Community Ecology. The AI Magazine, 24(4), 77-90.
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Araujo, S. (2003). Qualitative Models of Stream Ecosystem Recovery: Exploratory Studies. In P. Salles, & B. Bredeweg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR '03) (pp. 155-162).
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Bensusan, N. (2003). The Ants' Garden: Qualitative Models of Complex Interactions between Populations. In P. Salles, & B. Bredeweg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (pp. 163-170).


    • Bessa Machado, V., & Bredeweg, B. (2002). Investigating the Model Building Process with HOMER. In Proceedings of the International workshop on Model-based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 1-13).
    • Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2002). Aggregation of Qualitative Simulations for Explanation. In N. Angell, & J. A. Ortega (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR '02) (pp. 11-18).
    • Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2002). Aggregation of Qualitative Simulations for Explanation. In N. Angell, & J. A. Ortega (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR '02) (pp. 11-18).
    • Bouwer, A. J., Bessa Machado, V., & Bredeweg, B. (2002). Interactive Model Building Environments. In P. Brna, M. Baker, K. Stenning, & A. Tiberghien (Eds.), The Role of Communication in Learning to Model (pp. 155-182). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2002). A case study of collaborative modelling: building qualitative models in ecology. In B. Bredeweg (Ed.), Proceedings of the International workshop on Model-based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 75-84).
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., Araujo, S., & Neto, W. (2002). Qualitative Models of Interactions between Two Populations. In N. Angell, & J. A. Ortega (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '02 (pp. 143-150).
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., Araujo, S., & Neto, W. (2002). Qualitative models of interactions between two populations. In S. A. Cerri, G. Gouardères, & F. Paraguaçu (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 6th International Conference, ITS 2002 Biarritz, France and San Sebastian, Spain, June 2–7, 2002 : proceedings (pp. 1009). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 2363). Springer.


    • Bessa Machado, V., & Bredeweg, B. (2001). Towards Interactive Tools for Constructing Articulate Simulations. In J. D. Moore, G. Luckhardt Redfield, & J. L. Johnson (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and Wireless Future (pp. 577-579). IOS-Press/Ohmsha.
    • Bessa Machado, V., & Bredeweg, B. (2001). Towards Interactive Tools for Constructive Articulate Simulations. In G. Biswa (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '01 (pp. 98-104).
    • Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2001). VisiGarp: Graphical Representation of Qualitative Simulation Models. In G. Biswas (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '01 (pp. 142-149).
    • Bouwer, A., & Bredeweg, B. (2001). VisiGarp: Graphical Representation of Qualitative Simulation Models. In J. D. Moore, G. Luckhardt Redfield, & J. L. Johnson (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and Wireless Future (pp. 294-205). IOS-Press/Ohmsha.
    • Bredeweg, B., & de Koning, K. (2001). Exploiting Model-Based Reasoning in Educational Systems: Illuminating the Learner Modelling Problem. In K. D. Forbus, & P. J. Feltovich (Eds.), Smart Machines in Education (pp. 299-330). AAAI Press / MIT Press.
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2001). Constructing Progressive Learning Routes through Qualitative Simulation Models in Ecology. In G. Biswas (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '01 (pp. 82-89).
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2001). Constructing Progressive Learning Routes through Qualitative Simulation Models in Ecology. In J. D. Moore, G. Luckhardt Redfield, & J. L. Johnson (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and Wireless Future (pp. 595-597). IOS-Press/Ohmsha.


    • Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2000). Visualization of Qualitative Models. In Proceedings of the 14th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '00 (pp. 18-23).
    • Lange, A., Schrieken, B., van de Ven, J-P., Bredeweg, B., Emmelkamp, P. M. G., van der Kolk, J., Lydsdottir, L., Massaro, M., & Reuvers, A. (2000). "Interapy": The effects of a short protocolled treatment of posttraumatic stress and pathological grief through the internet. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 28(2), 175-192. [details]
    • Lange, A., van de Ven, J-PQR., Schrieken, B. A. L., Bredeweg, B., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (2000). Internet-mediated, protocol-driven treatment of psychological dysfunction. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 6(1), 15-21. [details]


    • Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1999). Explanation and Qualitative Reasoning. In C. Price (Ed.), Proceedings of QR'99, the International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (pp. 27-31). QR'99. [details]
    • Breuker, J. A. P. J., Muntjewerff, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1999). Ontological modelling for designing educational systems. In Proceedings AI-ED '99, WS-2, Ontologies for intelligent Educational Systems (pp. 101-122). Ai-ED. [details]
    • van Rijn, H., van Someren, M. W., Wielinga, B. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1999). A rational analysis of discovery tasks: The role of assumptions in discovery learning. In Eight Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 545-547). [details]
    • van Rijn, H., van Someren, M. W., Wielinga, B. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1999). Causale determinanten van succes bij inductief ontdekkend leren. In R. Poell (Ed.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Proceedings van de Onderwijs Research Dagen 1999 (pp. 71-73). [details]
    • van de Van, J. P., Lange, A., Schrieken, B., Bredeweg, B., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (1999). Interapy - de resultaten van een kortdurende geprotocolleerde behandeling van post-traumatische stress via internet. Dth : kwartaalschrift voor directieve therapie en hypnose, 19(1), 6-40. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., & Winkels, R. (1998). Qualitative models in interactive learning environments: an introduction. Interactive Learning Environments, 5(1), 1-18. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Koopman, P., Ruwaard, J., Lange, A., Schrieken, B., van de Ven, J. P., & Roosen, N. (1998). Designing counselling systems for the WWW. In R. G. Olson, & H. Maurer (Eds.), WebNet 98 : World conference on the WWW and Internet (pp. 86-91). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). [details]
    • Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1998). Qualitative Reasoning in Tutoring Interactions. Interactive Learning Environments, 5, 65-80.
    • Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1998). Using GDE in Educational Systems. In F. Zhao, & K. Yip (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning QR’98 (pp. 42-49). American Association for Artificial Intelligence..


    • Koning, K., Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, J. A. P. J. (1997). Automatic aggregation of qualitative reasoning networks. In L. Ironi (Ed.), Proceedings of the International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning QR’97 (pp. 77-88). Istituto di Analisi Numerica C.N.R.. [details]
    • Koning, K., Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, J. A. P. J. (1997). Constructing aggregated reasoning networks for coaching qualitative prediction of behaviour. In R. Mizoguchi, & B. du Bouley (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems (pp. 442-449). IOS-Press/Ohmsha. [details]
    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (1997). Building qualitative models in ecology. In I. Ironi (Ed.), Proceedings of the International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning QR'97 (pp. 155-164). Istituto di Analisi Numerica C.N.R.. [details]
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Winkels, R. G. F. (1997). Deriving explanations from qualitative models. In R. Mizoguchi, & B. du Bouley (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems (pp. 474-481). IOS-Press/Ohmsha. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B. (1996). Qualitative Models for Interactive Articulated Learning Environments. In C. A. A. Kaestner, & D. L. Borges (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence, SBIA'96 (pp. 237). Springer Verlag. [details]
    • Gavrila, I. S., Bredeweg, B., & Iedema, P. D. (1996). A qualitative approach to chemical process design. In AAAI Technical Report WS-96-01 (pp. 57-66). The AAAI Press. [details]
    • Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1996). Interpreting Student Answers: More than Diagnosis Alone. In A. Paiva, P. Brna, & J. Self (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on AI and Education (pp. 233-239). Colibri. [details]
    • Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1996). Qualitative Peasoning in Tutoring Interactions. In A. Farquhar, & Y. Iwasaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning QR’96 (pp. 103-112). American Association of Artificial Intelligence. [details]
    • Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1996). Qualitative Reasoning in Tutoring Interactions. Interactive Learning Environments, 5(1), 60-72. [details]
    • Koning, K., Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, J. A. P. J. (1996). Interpreting Student Answers: More than Diagnosis Alone. In L. C. Gaag, & J. J. C. Meyer (Eds.), Proceedings of the Nederlandse AI Conferentie (pp. 255-265). NVKI. [details]
    • Schut, C., & Bredeweg, B. (1996). An Overvieuw of Approaches to Qualitative Model Construction. Knowledge Engineering Review, 11(1), 1-25. [details]
    • de Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1996). Qualitative Reasoning in Tutoring Interactions. In Y. Iwasaki, & A. Farquhar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '96 (pp. 103-112). AAAI Press.


    • Bredeweg, B., de Koning, C., & Schut, C. (1995). Modelling the Influence of Non-Changing Quantities. In A. Carvalho, & J. Wainer (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Series "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 131-140). Springer-Verlag. [details]
    • Schut, C., & Bredeweg, B. (1995). Supporting Qualitative Model Construction: Eliminating Incorrectly Predicted Derivatives. In B. Bredeweg (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning QR’95 (pp. 163-172). Vakgroep SWI, Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • de Koning, C., Breuker, J. A. P. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1995). Cognitive Diagnosis Revisited. In J. Greer (Ed.), Proceedings of the World Conference on AI and Education (pp. 115-122). AACE. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B. (1994). Model-based Diagnosis and Prediction of Behaviour. In W. Van de Velde, & J. A. Breuker (Eds.), CommonKADS Library for Expertise Modelling (reusable problem solving components) (pp. 121-153). IOS-Press. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., & Winkels, R. G. F. (1994). Student Modelling: The Key to individualized Knowledge-Based Instruction. In G. I. McCalla, & J. E. Greer (Eds.), Student Modelling Through Qualitative Reasoning (pp. 63-97). Springer-Verlag. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., de Koning, C., & Schut, C. (1994). Modeling the Influence of Non-Changing Quantities. In T. Nishida (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (pp. 24-35). Nara Convention Bureau. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., de Koning, K., & Schut, C. (1994). Modelling the Influence of Non-Changing Quantities. In T. Kiriyama, T. Nishida, & T. Tomiyama (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '94 (pp. 24-35). Nara Convention Bureau.
    • Kuyper, M., van der Hulst, A. H., de Hoog, R., & Bredeweg, B. (1994). A methodology for configuring simulation-based learning environments. In I. Tomek, & T. Ottman (Eds.), Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (pp. 664-664). AACE. [details]
    • Schut, C., & Bredeweg, B. (1994). Supporting Qualitative Model Specification. In R. Leitch, L. Lunze, P. Struss, & H. Thamer (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on intelligent Systems Engineering (pp. 37-42). Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg. [details]
    • de Koning, C., & Bredeweg, B. (1994). A framework for Teaching Qualitative Models. In A. Cohn (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 197-202). John Wiley & Sons. [details]
    • de Koning, C., Bredeweg, B., Schut, C., & Breuker, J. A. P. J. (1994). Dynamic Model progression. In S. Dikareva, P. Brusilovsky, J. Greer, & V. Petruskin (Eds.), Proceedings of the EWED-94 (pp. 136-141). ICSTI. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B. (1993). Qualitative Prediction of Behaviour. In G. Schreiber, B. Wielinga, & J. Breuker (Eds.), KADS: A principled Approach to KBS Development (pp. 337-358). Academic Press.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, J. A. P. J. (1993). Device Models for Model-based Diagnosis of Student Behaviour. In Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED'93 (pp. 441-448).
    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Automatic Enhancement of Model Parsimony. In Proceedings of the AISB Workshop on Qualitative and Causal Reasoning University of Birmingham.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Automatic Enhancement of Model Parsimony. In D. S. Weld (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR '93 (pp. 194-203). University of Washington.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Automatic Enhancement of Model Parsimony. In Y. Ishida (Ed.), Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Engineering Problems for Qualitative Reasoning (pp. 111-124).
    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Building Qualitative Models for Reasoning about Device Behavior. Social Science Computer Review, 11(3), 350-365.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Building Qualitative Models: An Introduction. In J. W. Nieuwenhuis, C. Praagman, & H. L. Trentelman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd European Control Conference (pp. 1751-1756). The IEEE Control Systems Society.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Interactive Qualitative Model Construction. In Proceedings of the IJCAI '93 Workshop on Machine learning and Knowledge Acquisition: Common issues, contrasting (pp. 172-186).
    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Reducing Ambiguity by Learning Assembly Behaviour. In R. Bajcsy (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 980-985). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc..
    • Breuker, J., Bredeweg, B., & Valente, A. (1993). Reusable Problem Solving Components: the CommonKADS Library. In Proceedings of the Third KADS User Meeting Siemens AG.
    • Kamps, J., Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1993). Verwijderen van Irrelevante Kennis. In J. M. Akkermans, & J. A. Breuker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Nederlandstalige AI Conferentie, NAIC'93 (pp. 355-366). Energie Centrum Nederland (ECN).
    • Valente, A., Bredeweg, B., Breuker, J. A. P. J., & van de Velde, W. (1993). A Library of Re-Usable Knowledge Models and Components. In Proceedings of the Conference of the Brazilian Computing Society
    • Valente, A., Breuker, J., & Bredeweg, B. (1993). Integrating Modeling Approaches in the CommonKADS Library. In A. Sloman, D. Hogg, G. Humphreys, A. Ramsay, & D. Partridge (Eds.), Prospects for Artificial Intelligence (pp. 121-130). IOS-Press/Ohmsha.


    • Reinders, M., & Bredeweg, B. (1992). Reflective Strategic Control of Multiple Problem Solving Methods. In B. Neumann (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 577-581).
    • van Harmelen, F. A. H., Wielinga, B. J., Bredeweg, B., Schreiber, G., Karbach, W., Reinders, M., Voss, A., Akkermans, H., Bartsch-Sporl, B., & Vinkhuyzen, E. (1992). Knowledge-Level Reflection. In B. Le Pape, & L. Steels (Eds.), Enhancing the Knowledge Engineering Process - Contributions from ESPRIT (pp. 175-204). Elsevier Science.


    • Bredeweg, B., & Schut, C. (1991). Cognitive plausibility of a conceptual framework for modeling problem solving expertise. In K. J. Hammond, & D. Gentner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Cognitive Science Society (pp. 473-479). Lawrence Erlbaum.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Winkels, R. G. F. (1991). Teaching according to GARP. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Learning Sciences (pp. 52-58). Lawrence Birnbaum.
    • Reinders, M., Vinkhuyzen, E., Voß, A., Akkermans, H., Balder, J., Bartsch-Spörl, B., Bredeweg, B., Drouven, U., van Harmelen, F., Karbach, W., Karssen, Z., Schreiber, G., & Wielinga, B. (1991). A conceptual modelling framework for knowledge-level reflection. AI Communications, 4(2-3), 74-87.
    • Voß, A., Karbach, W., Drouven, U., Bartsch-Spoerl, B., & Bredeweg, B. (1991). Reflection and competent problem solving. In T. Christaller (Ed.), GWAI-91 : 15. Fachtagung für Künstliche Intelligenz: Bonn, 16.-20. September 1991 : proceedings (pp. 206-215). (Informatik-Fachberichte; Vol. 285). Springer-Verlag. [details]



    • Bredeweg, B. (1989). Introducing meta-levels to qualitative reasoning. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 3(2), 85-100.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Wielinga, B. J. (1989). Reasoning about physical systems: a unifying perspective. In R. Huber, & et al. (Eds.), Artificial intelligence in scientific computation: Towards second generation expert systems (pp. 63-67). J.C. Baltzer AG, Scientific Publishing Co.
    • Reinders, A., & Bredeweg, B. (1989). Reductie van ambiguiteit middels transitieve inferenties. In Proceedings of the Nederlandstalige AI Conferentie, NAIC'89 (pp. 137-144). Academic Press.


    • Bredeweg, B. (1988). Een uniform raamwerk voor kwalitatief redeneren. In Proceedings of the Nederlandstalige AI Conferentie (pp. 137-147). University of Amsterdam.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Pfeifer, R. (1988). The 2nd advanced Course in AI Oslo, Norway, July 27 - August 7, 1987. AI Communications, 1(1), 46-50.
    • Bredeweg, B., & Wielinga, B. J. (1988). Integrating qualitative reasoning approaches. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 195-201).
    • Bredeweg, B., & Wielinga, B. J. (1988). Reasoning about physical systems: a unifying perspective. In J. M. David (Ed.), Proceedings of IMACS-88 (pp. 287-290).
    • Schreiber, G., Breuker, J., Bredeweg, B., & Wielinga, B. J. (1988). Modelling in KBS Development. In Proceedings of Expert Systems and their Applications
    • Schreiber, G., Breuker, J., Bredeweg, B., & Wielinga, B. J. (1988). Modelling in KBS Development. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition (pp. 7.1-7.15).
    • Wielinga, B. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1988). Knowledge and expertise in expert systems. In G. C. v.d. Veer, & G. Mulder (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction: Psychonomics Aspects (pp. 290-297). Springer-Verlag.
    • Wielinga, B. J., Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, J. A. (1988). Knowledge acquisition for expert systems. In Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence - 2nd Advanced Course, ACAI 1987 (Vol. 345 LNAI, pp. 96-124). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 345 LNAI). Springer Verlag.
    • Wielinga, B. J., Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, J. A. P. J. (1988). Knowledge acquisition for expert systems. In R. T. Nossum (Ed.), Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence ACAI'87 (pp. 96-124). Spinger-Verlag.



    • van den Ham, P., Bredeweg, B., & Raijmakers, M. (2019). Analysing visitor flow using a Bluetooth positioning system. In K. Beuls, B. Bogaerts, G. Bontempi, P. Geurts, N. Harley, B. Lebichot, T. Lenaerts, G. Louppe, & P. Van Eecke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2019) and the 28th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (Benelearn 2019): Brussels, Belgium, November 6-8, 2019 Article 118 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2491). CEUR-WS. [details]


    • Bosse, T., & Bredeweg, B. (2017). Preface. In T. Bosse, & B. Bredeweg (Eds.), BNAIC 2016: Artificial Intelligence: 28th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 10-11, 2016 : revised selected papers (pp. V-VI). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 765). Springer. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., Beek, W., Borisova, P., Corcho, O., Gracia del Río, J., Leiba, M., Liem, J., Mioduser, D., Noble, R., Salles, P., Wißner, M., & Zitek, A. (2012). Final project report: DynaLearn. University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Corcho, O., Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., Lozano, E., Gracia, J., Ibarrola, A., & Villazón, B. (2012). Technology into Practice. (DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D8.5). University of Amsterdam.
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., Corcho, O., & Zitek, A. (2012). Second DynaLearn workshop. (DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D8.3.2). University of Amsterdam.
    • Salles, P., Souza, A., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Borisova, P., Leiba, M., & Bredeweg, B. (2012). DynaLearn curriculum for environmental science. University of Amsterdam. [details]





    • Bredweg, B., Bouwer, A., Linnebank, F., & Liem, J. (2008). Garp3 - Workbench for qualitative modelling and simulation. In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 1972-1974). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]
    • Cioaca, E., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2008). Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve model of environmental sustainability based on Qualitative Reasoning concept. In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 1995-1997). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]
    • Nakova, E., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2008). A new approach for river exploration: River Mesta case study for qualitative modeling sustainable development. In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 1987-1988). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]
    • Noble, R. A. A., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., & Cowx, I. G. (2008). Qualitative modelling of limiting factors for a salmon life cycle in the context of sustainable river rehabilitation. In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 1978-1980). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]
    • Nuttle, T., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., & Neumann, M. (2008). Simulating an uncertain world: Using qualitative reasoning to model a plant-resource system. In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 2001-2002). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., & Rios Caldas, A. L. (2008). A qualitative model on sustainability of the Riacho Fundo basin (Brasília, Brazil). In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 1975-1977). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]
    • Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Zitek, A., & Noble, R. (2008). A library of model fragments on sustainability. In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 1989-1991). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]
    • Zitek, A., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., & Schmutz, S. (2008). Evaluating the potential of qualitative reasoning (QR) models to contribute to a sustainable catchment management. In M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. E. Rizzoli, & G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008): Volume 3 (pp. 1981-1983). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). [details]


    • Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., Linnebank, F., & Bredeweg, B. (2007). Analysis of frequently asked questions and improvements of the Garp3 workbench Naturnet-Redime. STREP project FP6 no. 004074, Naturnet-Redime. bredeweg/pdf/NNR/D4.2.3.pdf [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bertels, J., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., Feltrini, G. M., Caldas, A. L. R., Resende, M. M. P., Zitek, A., & Nuttle, T. (2007). Training Report on using QR for learning about Sustainable Development. STREP project FP6 no. 004074, Naturnet-Redime. bredeweg/pdf/NNR/D7.2.pdf [details]
    • Cioca, E., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2007). Qualitative Reasoning Model to support Sustainable Development decision making Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Environmental System case study. Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute, 13, 213-222. [details]
    • Cioca, E., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2007). The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Qualitative Reasoning Model - Education and Decision Support tool for Active Behaviour in Sustainable Development of this area. Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute, 13, 209-212. [details]
    • Liem, J., Bouwer, A. J., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., & Bakker, E. R. (2007). 3rd NNR user group workshop on Qualitative Reasoning and Modelling. STREP EC project FP6 no. 004074, Naturnet-Redime. bredeweg/pdf/NNR/M7.2.3.pdf [details]
    • Liem, J., Linnebank, F., Bouwer, A. J., Bredeweg, B., & Bakker, E. R. (2007). Intelligent help system. STREP project FP6 no. 004074, Naturnet-Redime. bredeweg/pdf/NNR/D4.4.pdf [details]
    • Noble, R. A. A., Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2007). QR models and documentation for the implementation of UK case studies on the River Trent and Great Ouse focusing on the links between the ecological and socio-economic aspects of sustainable river rehabilitation and management. Technical Report Deliverable D6.5.2, STREP project FP6 no. 004074, Naturnet-Redime, 2007. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Salles, B., & Bredeweg, B. (2007). Library of reusable QR model fragments. STREP project FP6 no. 004074, Naturnet-Redime. bredeweg/pdf/NNR/D6.7.1.pdf [details]
    • Zitek, A., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Schmutz, S., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2007). QR models and documentation for learning about sustainable development, focusing on basic ecological and socio-economic features for an integrative and sustainable development of the riverine landscape of the Kamp valley. Technical Report Deliverable D6.6.2, STREP project FP6 no. 0040704. Naturnet-Redime. [details]


    • Bakker, E. R., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). User Manual for Collaborative QR model building and simulation workbench, Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Report D4.2.2. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Bouwer, A. J., Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., & Salles, P. (2006). 1st NNR user group workshop on using QR technology , Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Milestone M7.2.1. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., & Liem, J. (2006). Single-user QR model building and simulation workbench , Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Report D4.1. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., Jellema, J., Bertels, D., Linnebank, F., & Liem, J. (2006). Garp3 - A new Worksbench for Qualitative Reasoning and Modelling. In K. Tochtermann, & A. Scharl (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo 2006) (pp. 586-586). [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., Jellema, J., Bertels, D., Linnebank, F., & Liem, J. (2006). Garp3 - A new Worksbench for Qualitative Reasoning and Modelling. In M. Dreyfus, M. Jones, & F. Recknagel (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ecological Informatics (ISEI5) (pp. 103-104). [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., & Salles, P. (2006). Curriculum for learning about QR modelling , Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Report D6.9.1. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A. L. R., Uzonov, Y., Varadinova, E., & Zitek, A. (2006). Towards a Structured Approach to Qualitative Modelling. In K. Tochtermann, & A. Scharl (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo 2006) (pp. 586). [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A. L. R., Uzonov, Y., Varadinova, E., & Zitek, A. (2006). Towards a Structured Approach to Qualitative Modelling. In M. Dreyfus, M. Jones, & F. Recknagel (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ecological Informatics (ISEI5) (pp. 54-55). [details]
    • Liem, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). Document Type Definition (DTD) for QR Model Fragments, Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Report D2.3.1. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Liem, J., Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). Collaborative QR model building and simulation workbench, Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Report D4.3. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Liem, J., Bredeweg, B., & Bouwer, A. J. (2006). QR model-fragment library standard Redime, Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Report D2.3.2. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Nuttle, T., Liem, J., Bouwer, A. J., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2006). 2nd NNR user group workshop on Qualitative Reasoning and Modelling, Naturnet-Redime, STREP project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Milestone M7.2.2. Naturnet-Redime. [details]
    • Nuttle, T., Salles, P., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., Nakova, E., Cioaca, E., Covaliov, S., Noble, R., Neumann, M., Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., Caldas, A. L. R., & Bredeweg, B. (2006). Navigating a Landscape of Sustainability Concepts: Towards Progressive Learning Routes within and among Qualitative Reasoning Models. In K. Tochtermann, & A. Scharl (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo 2006) (pp. 586). [details]


    • Bouwer, A. J., Liem, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). User Manual for Single-User Version of QR Workbench. Naturnet-Redime Project Deliverable Report D.4.2.1. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A. J., & Liem, J. (2005). Framework for conceptual QR description of case studies. Naturnet-Redime Deliverable Report D.6.1. [details]
    • Charvat, K., Cioaca, E., Nuttle, T., Granados, J., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). Dissemination and Communication Plan. Naturnet-Redime Project Deliverable Report D9.1. [details]
    • Liem, J., Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). QR Subportal First Release, Naturenet-Redime, STREP project co-founded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Project no. 004074, Project Deliverable Report D3.3. Naturenet-Redime.
    • Looi, C. K., McCalla, G., Bredeweg, B., & Breuker, B. (2005). Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology. IOS Press. [details]
    • Nuttle, T., Bredeweg, B., & Salles, P. (2005). Modeling resource competition in plants without numbers: simulations based on qualitative reasoning. In 90th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (pp. 472) [details]
    • Nuttle, T., Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2005). Guidelines for Sustainable Development Curriculum. Naturnet-Redime Project Deliverable Report D6.8. [details]


    • Biswas, G., Bredeweg, B., Ferguson, R. W., Struss, P., & Sherin, B. (2004). Qualitative Modeling and Cognitive Science. In K. D. Forbus, D. Gentner, & T. Regier (Eds.), Proceedings 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 13-13). [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Neumann, M., Nuttle, T. J., Price, C., Russell, I., Thomas, J., & Wotowa, F. (2004). Education and Training Roadmap (version two). Technological roadmap. (MONET Deliverable; No. ED5). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., Russell, I., & Thomas, J. (2004). Review on Integration of MBS&QR with WWW. (MONET Deliverable ED3). University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Salles, P., & Bredeweg, B. (2003). Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning. University of Brasilia.


    • Bredeweg, B. (2002). Proceedings of the International workshop on Model-based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Unknown Publisher.


    • Bredeweg, B., Ironi, L., & Trave-Massuyes, L. (2000). First European Summer School on Model-Based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning - lecture notes. MONET (European Network of Ecellence).
    • Koning, K., Bredeweg, B., Breuker, J. A. P. J., & Wielinga, B. J. (2000). Model-based reasoning about learner behaviour. Artificial Intelligence, 117(04), 173-229. [details]


    • Bouwer, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1999). Explanation and Qualitative Reasoning. In M. Baker, P. Brna, & K. Stenning (Eds.), Proceedings of TMR Conference C-LEMMAS '99 (pp. 178-185). CBLU, University of Leeds. [details]
    • Breuker, J. A. P. J., Muntjewerff, A. J., & Bredeweg, B. (1999). Ontological modelling for designing educational systems. In R. Mizoguchi, & T. Murray (Eds.), Proceedings AI-ED `99 (pp. 101-122). Ontologies for intelligent Educational Systems. [details]
    • van de Ven, J. Q. R., Lange, A., Schreiken, B., Bredeweg, B., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (1999). De resultaten van een kortdurende geprotocolleerde behandeling van post-traumatische stress via Internet. (Results of a short protocolled treatment of posttraumatic stress through the internet.). Dth : kwartaalschrift voor directieve therapie en hypnose, 19, 5-40. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B. (1998). Model Based Reasoning for Intelligent Education Environmants. Proceedings of the International Workshop at the 13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Wiley.
    • Bredeweg, B. (1998). The workshop on Model Based Reasoning for Intelligent Education Environments. Monet Newsletter, 1,2, 9-10.
    • Winkels, R. G. F., & Bredeweg, B. (1998). Qualitative Models in Interactive Learning Environments. Interactive Learning Environment, (5). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B., & Djamen, J-Y. (1996). The role of Qualitative Reasoning Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the International Workshop at the 3rd International Conference on ITS. University of Montreal.
    • Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1996). Coaching Students in Reasoning about Physical Systems. (96; No. 4). Programmagroep Sociaal Wetenschappelijke. [details]
    • de Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1996). Coaching Students in Reasoning about Physical Systems, Technical Report. University of Amsterdam.


    • Bredeweg, B. (Ed.) (1995). Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning. University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Bredeweg, B., & Winkels, R. G. F. (1995). The use of Qualitative Reasoning techniques in Interactive Learning Environments, Proceedings of the International Workshop at Artificial Intelligence in Education. AACE.
    • Gavrila, I. S., Bredeweg, B., & Iedema, P. D. (1995). Using qualitative knowledge for finding optimum reaction conditions. Second Engineering Problems for Qualitative Reasoning IJCAI. [details]


    • Bredeweg, B. (1994). Model-based Diagnosis and prediction of Behaviour, KADS-II/M2/UvA/053/1.0, ESPRIT Project P5248. University of Amsterdam.
    • de Koning, K., & Bredeweg, B. (1994). Norm behaviour Models. University of Amsterdam.


    • Bredeweg, B., & Voss, H. (1992). A KADS conceptual model of prediction based diagnosis. National German Research Centre for Computer Science (GMD).


    • Balder, J., van Harmelen, F., & Bredeweg, B. (1991). A Formalised KADS model of GARP. ESPRIT Basic Research Action P3178 REFLECT, Technical Report RFL/ECN/II/2.1/1. Netherlands Energy Research Foundation and University of Amsterdam.
    • Bartsch-Sporl, B., Bredeweg, B., Coulon, C., Drouven, U., van Harmelen, F. A. H., Karbach, W., Reinders, M., Vinkhuyzen, E., & Voss, A. (1991). Studies and experiments with reflective problem solvers. ESPRIT Basic Research Action P3178 REFLECT, Report IR.3.1,2 RFL/BSR-UvA/III.1/4. REFLECT Consortium.
    • Schreiber, G., Bartsch-Sporl, B., Bredeweg, B., van Harmelen, F. A. H., Karbach, W., Reinders, M., Vinkhuyzen, E., & Voss, A. (1991). Designing architecture for knowledge-level reflection. ESPRIT Basic research Action P3178 REFLECT, Deliverable IR.4RFL/UvA/III.1/4. REFLECT Consortium.
    • Wielinga, B. J., van de Velde, W., Akkermans, H., Benus, B., Bredeweg, B., Breuker, J., Rademakers, P., & Steels, L. (1991). Synthesis of knowledge modelling approaces. Esprit Project P5248 KADSII - Deliverable D1.1, KADS-II/T1.1/UvA/RR/0004/1.0. University of Amsterdam.


    • Bredeweg, B., & Karssen, Z. (1990). Domain representation of heart diseases and cover-and-differentiate. ESPRIT Basic Research Action P3178 REFLECT, technical Report RFL/UvA/I.2/2. University of Amsterdam.
    • Bredeweg, B., Bartsch-Sporl, B., Reinders, M., Akkermans, H., Christaller, T., Drouven, U., van Harmelen, F. A. H., Karbach, W., Schreiber, G., Voss, A., & Wielinga, B. J. (1990). A tentative framework for knowledge-level reflection. ESPRIT Basic Research Action P3178 REFLECT, Deliverable IR.2 RFL/BSR-ECN/I.3/1. BSR Consulting and Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN.
    • Bredeweg, B., Reinders, M., & Wielinga, B. J. (1990). GARP: A unified apporach to qualitative reasoning. Technical report VF-memo 117. University of Amsterdam.


    • Bredeweg, B. (1989). GARP - K4 mini study. Esprit project P1098 - task K4. University of Amsterdam.
    • Schreiber, G., Bredeweg, B., de Greef, P., Terpstra, P., Wielinga, B. J., Brumet, E., Simonin, N., & Wally, A. (1989). A KADS approach to KBS design. ESPRIT Project 1098, deliverable B6 UvA-B6-PR-010. University of Amsterdam and Cap Sogeti Innovation.


    • Breuker, J. A. P. J., Wielinga, B. J., van Someren, M., de Hoog, R., Schreiber, A. T., de Greef, P., Bredeweg, B., Wielemaker, J., Billault, J. P., Davoodi, M., & Hayward, S. A. (1987). Model Driven Knowledge Acquisition: Interpretation Models. ESPRIT Project P1098 Deliverable D1 (Task A1). University of Amsterdam and STL Ltd.
    • Schreiber, G., Bredeweg, B., Davoodi, M., & Wielinga, B. J. (1987). Towards a design methodology for KBS. ESPRIT Project P1098, Deliverable D8 (task B2). University of Amsterdam and STL Ltd.
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