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Researchers and students of the Informatics Institute regularly appear on radio, TV or the internet to present their research and its applications, and to use their expertise to indicate the news. This is an overview of media appearances and articles in newspapers, magazines and other (online) publications.

UvA spin-off gets €300 from the North Holland Innovation Fund
Founded by Paul Groth and Pim Stouten in 2023, develops a platform that uses generative AI to extract insights from large amounts of audio data.
5 July 2024 - NL Silicon Canals

Residents trace illegal poison clouds Tata Steel by using AI
Yen-Chia Hsu is involved in this AI system.
3 July 2024 - NL Noordhollands dagblad
3 July 2024 - NL GreenPeace

This is how you implement AI in area development
Will we still need policy makers for area development in the future? Or can we write scenarios using artificial intelligence? At the VNG Annual Congress, Sennay Ghebreab mainly pointed to cooperation.
26 June 2024 - NL Stadszaken

AI: Useful tool or destructive to education?
Interview with Bert Bredeweg.
25 June 2024 - EN Amsterdam AI

For me, the big breakthrough in AI lies in the increasingly human interaction with computers
Sander Klous in BNR's Big Five podcast.
24 June 2024 - NL BNR the big five podcast

Paralympic athlete Esther Vergeer wants to know whether AI will change sports.
Sander Klous has a clear answer to this: AI is already changing sports.
24 June 2024 - NL BNR / Youtube

A lot of media attention for Max Welling's startup CuspAI
Max Welling has managed to raise $30 million in seed capital for his startup CuspAI. The new company will use AI to design materials that bind greenhouse gases so that they can be stored. Many media have paid attention to this news this week. An anthology:
19 June 2024 - NL Het Parool
19 June 2024 - NL NRC
19 June 2024 - NL NRC via Lexis Nexis
18 June 2024 - NL Business insider
18 June 2024 - NL BNR radio

How can you recognize deepfakes
Theo Gevers and Zeno Geradts explain.
09 June 2024 - NL EenVandaag, AVRO-TROS

AI everywhere, but without sky-high energy consumption
Attention to Dolly Sapra's research.
31 May 2024 - NL Emerce

Ticketmaster hacked
Hacker group claims to have personal data of 560 million customers. Security researcher Matthijs Koot thinks this group's claim is very reliable.
30 May 2024 - NL NOS

Gown on or off? UvA professors visit Amsterdam elementary schools.
This year, the UvA is participating for the first time in the Meet the Professor initiative. Scientists, among whom Paola Grosso, taught a lesson at Amsterdam elementary schools.
27 May 2024 - EN Folia

Phishing attackers remarkably successful at Bunq
NOS and NRC, together with security researcher Matthijs Koot, analyzed phishing links and the websites behind them. (NOS, Dutch)
24 May 2024 - NL NOS

Bionic eyes and talking via brain signals: what is already possible with brain chips
Iris Groen (VIS lab) is mentioned in this article.
10 May 2024 - NL De Volkskrant

NOS finds out about a gang of internet scammers
With the help of security expert Matthijs Koot, NOS gained access to the systems of a phishing gang.
03 May 2024 - NL

Instagram and Facebook are still no match for simple phishing
Investigation by the NOS, with the help of security expert Matthijs Koot (IvI, CCI group), into a Nigerian phishing gang.
02 May 2024 - NL NOS Nieuws

Recognizing deepfake
How can a consumer recognize which images are real and which are deepfake? Zeno Geradts explains deepfakes and gives six tips on how to recognize them.
02 May 2024 - NL Algemeen Dagblad
02 May 2024 - NL via LexisNexis

AI has a high risk of mediocrity
Interview with Maarten de Rijke.
17 April 2024 - NL MT/Sprout

The many-headed monster of the cocaine trade
The Netherlands is well on its way to becoming a narco-state.
This article focuses on the work of PhD student Frederike Oetker and professor Peter Sloot. The focus here is to gain a better understanding of the operation of the entire cocaine trafficking network with which you can try to overthrow the entire system.
13 April 2024 - NL De Groene Amsterdammer

Secret logout codes from thousands of alarm systems can be retrieved due to a software error
BNR asked independent experts to verify the leak.
"I am shocked by the scale," says security researcher Matthijs Koot (IvI CCI group) of Secura.
17 April 2024 - - NL BNR

Reflection on the Symposium 'Strong against sarcopenia and obesity: the synergy of nutrition and exercise'
With a contribution of Somaya Ben Allouch.
11 April 2024 - EN ZonMW

How AI can improve ecosystems
At AG Connect's AI Day, Sander Klous will provide practical conditions and tools to use AI to correctly obtain the necessary insights into these increasingly complex ecosystems.
09 April 2024 - NL  AGConnect

Smart glasses flop for consumers but flourish in healthcare
Google Glass, the smart glasses introduced by Google in 2014, seems to have died a quiet death. But the opposite seems to be happening in healthcare, observes UvA-IvI doctoral student Niek Zuidhof, who researched the medical applications of the smart glasses. “Technology is often used in a different way than it was originally intended.” Zuidhof is supervised by Somaya Ben Allouch  and Peter-Paul Verbeek, current UvA rector-magnificus.
03 April 2024 - EN Folia

New therapies against blindness
Researchers from Amsterdam UMC will develop new treatments against blindness within a large Dutch collaboration.
The Lifelong Vision project will receive 22 million euros from the NWO Zwaartekracht program for this purpose. Clarissa Sanchez's group participates in this project.
01 April 2024 - NL Blik op nieuws

Chatbot Claude challenges ChatGPT and gets billions from Amazon
ChatGPT is no longer the smartest chatbot. The latest version of Claude, the chatbot from the company Anthropic, now tops the Huggingface rankings, which are often cited by scientists and analysts. Cees Snoek is mentioned in this article.
29 March 2024 - NL Financieel Dagblad

The new mourning
Theo Gevers about the use of deepfake therapy for grieving and sexual trauma.
28 March 2024 - NL NPO-Focus (starting at 14:49)

Nearly 22 million for Dutch cybersecurity research
Cybersecurity is one of the seven research areas in which the Ministry of Education and Science (OCW) is investing a total of 160 million euros. In the context of the Zwaartekracht program, top scientists who unite in consortia can conduct groundbreaking research over the next ten years. Christian Schaffner is one of the co-applicants.
28 March 2024 - NL Connect

Text to video, the new AI hype, how does it work?
The program Sora takes text-to-video to a new level.
"It is a huge step forward," says Theo Gevers.
16 March 2024 - NL De Volkskrant

Financial AI: You can actually explain algorithms better than human decisions
Transparency and explainability, which are often emphasized, are, according to professor Sander Klous, a smaller factor than user experiences.
29 February 2024 - NL Controllers Magazine

KPMG employee receives his PhD for research into AI in accountancy
KPMG's Marcel Boersma successfully defended his dissertation on February 23, in which he presented research on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in accountancy. Promoters Drona Kandhai and Alfons Hoekstra.
26 February 2024 - NL Accountant

ChatGPT maker once again surprises friends and foes with AI film factory Sora
Marcel Worring  contributed to this article. 
23 February 2024 - NL Financieel Dagblad

Jumbo uses cameras and software, among other things, to recognize deviating customer behavior
Cees Snoek is sceptical.
22 February 2024 - NL Foodpersonality

The focus with AI is on costs and efficiency, also look at the social side
Artificial intelligence can be used in a much more socially intelligent way than is currently the case, says researcher Sennay Ghebreab.
21 February 2024 - NL MT/sprout

Experts see practical hurdles in using AI against shoplifting
Jumbo's plan to use artificial intelligence (AI) against shoplifting is met with skepticism from experts including Cees Snoek.
20 February 2024 - NL FD via LexisNexis

Increase the self-reliance of people with dementia
Somaya Ben Allouch in the context of increasing the self-reliance of people with dementia.
19 February - NL Amstelveens Nieuwsblad

AI will make WhatsApp fraud much easier
Maarten Sukel became inspired by the power of artificial intelligence.
17 February 2024 - NL RTL Nieuws

Harro Stokman about an AI application for elderly care
An article about Kepler Vision Technologies, the UvA startup based on a smart sensor that can call for help if an elderly person falls at home. Former UvA-IvI scientist Harro Stokman, one of the founders of the company, talks about the choice to set up a company around an AI application aimed at elderly care
15 February 2024 - NL FD via Lexis Nexis

AI helps chemists develop new, sustainable materials
This article also refers to the pioneering work of Max Welling on so-called graph neural networks.
06 February 2024 - NL Emerce

Financial employee in Hong Kong pays 24 million after video call with deepfake
Theo Gevers comments on this.
06 February 2024 - NL De Volkskrant

Can we still trust anything, now that every video or image can be a deepfake?
Quest talking to NFI expert and UvA-IvI professor Zeno Geradts
02 February 2024 - NL Quest

Media attention for ELSA recognition to AI for Health Equity lab
The AI for Health Equity lab focuses on research for an equitable application of AI technology in healthcare. Researchers from the University of Amsterdam, together with others, started this lab that has now been awarded ELSA (Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects) status.
25 January 2024 - NL ICT/magazine

We need to invest in a national AI infrastructure now. Opinion article by Maarten de Rijke, Cees snoek a.o.
To avoid losing the battle for generative AI to dominant players such as America and China, the Netherlands must invest like a hare in an AI infrastructure. For our safety and economic security, argue concerned scientists from three universities.
18 January 2024 – NL Volkskrant
22 January 2024 - EN Amsterdam AI

Interview with Maarten de Rijke and Anna Salomons (UU) on AI and its impact on jobs
For some people it is a nightmare, for others a relief. More and more professional sectors are using artificial intelligence to make work more efficient.
17 January 2024 – NL Een Vandaag

Experts surprised by the use of AI techniques by the police
The police are experimenting with facial recognition technology, while there are hardly any rules for it. That surprises experts among them Zeno Geradts, forensic researcher at NFI and professor at IvI/MultiX.
05 January 2024 - NL NOS Nieuwsuur