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Researchers and students of the Informatics Institute regularly appear on radio, TV or the internet to present their research and its applications, and to use their expertise to indicate the news. This is an overview of media appearances and articles in newspapers, magazines and other (online) publications.

More accessible medical imaging with AI
The staff shortage and the growing demand for care force all areas within healthcare to look for new, innovative and technically supported (digital) solutions. One of those areas is medical imaging, and in particular the assessment of medical images. A consortium led by AmsterdamUMC will work on a solution to this specific problem. AI, or artificial intelligence, must play an important role in this. Ivana Isgum, professor at Amsterdam UMC and IvI/qurAI, comments.
27 December 2023 - NL ICT&Health

Clarisa Sánchez Gutiérrez in the FD about medical AI
Het Financieel Dagblad has an extensive interview with Clarisa Sánchez Gutiérrez, professor at IvI/qurAI, Quantitative Healthcare group. In the piece she talks about the added value of using AI in medical practice, the major steps that have been taken in recent years, and what can still be improved.
23 December 2023 - NL Het Financieele Dagblad

Marcel Worring in De Volkskrant about temporarily taking AI database Laion offline
The large and widely used AI database Laion has been temporarily taken offline after researchers discovered that it contained more than a thousand child abuse images. Painful, because AI companies use the image bank to train their models. De Volkskrant has an article about it. Marcel Worring (IvI/MultiX) comments; he praises the move offline, but also believes that the organization is at fault.
21 Decemberr 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

Data leaks without hacking
When you think of data breaches involving the data of hundreds of millions of people, you may think of ingenious hackers who managed to circumvent advanced security. But a number of recent massive data breaches had nothing to do with security breaches.
Matthijs Koot researcher at IvI/CCI comments.
18 December 2023 - NL NOS nieuws

Yen-Chia Hsu in documentary air pollution
Yen-Chia Hsu, assistant professor at IvI/MultiX appears in a short documentary and an article with respect to his previous air pollution research in Pittsburgh, when he was a PhD student.
The story is from 00:08 to 11:40.
15 December 2023 - NL/EN EenVandaag, Avro/Tros
15 December 2023 - NL EenVandaag, Avro/Tros

Hoirizon grant for development of a digital twin
Alfons Hoekstra speaks in various media about the Horizon grant of 10 million euros from the European Commission for the development of a digital twin of a patient with a cerebral infarction or hemorrhage: the Gemini project.
11 December 2023 - NL - medisch en zorg
08 December 2023 - NL ICT & health
07 December 2023 - EN Health Tech World

Deepfake therapy for victims of sexual abuse
“It is experimental, but the results of deepfake therapy are promising,” says Theo Gevers.
01 December 2023 - NL WNL NPO radio 1

Without investment, AI remains science fiction here
AI will change the world drastically and permanently. We will have to join forces to remain economically competitive. The Dutch culture of collaboration and the character of generative AI provide us with a unique opportunity to prevent Dutch companies and the government from falling behind in the development of AI.
Submitted article by Cees Snoek, Max Welling, Maarten de Rijke.
30 November 2023 - NL Het Financieele Dagblad via LinkedIn Cees Snoek

The science behind video and image recognition
In the Podcast BrainCreators Cees Snoek explores the position of the Netherlands in the world of AI, the impact of generative AI, regulations regarding AI, the importance of digital skills on educational change and how we can distinguish real from fake. 
23 November 2023 - NL Emerce

SDS 734: Humanoid Robot Soccer, with the Dutch RoboCup Team
Podcast talk with  Dário Catarrinho, Secretary of the Dutch Nao Team and an AI student at the University of Amsterdam, to explore the exhilarating world of Robot Soccer.
22 November 2023 - EN SuperDataScience podcast

Government is preparing to ban the use of AI software by civil servants
Sander Klous comments: 'Prohibition could put the Netherlands at a disadvantage'.
16 November 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

AI-generated white faces appear more “real” than photos
Portraits created by AI are now so good that people can no longer distinguish them from photos of real people. In fact, AI portraits (at least of white people) are more often referred to as real. UvA-IvI researchers Iris Groen and Theo Gevers comment on this new research. 
15 November 2023 - NL De Morgen

The end of truth: AI must prove itself (or not)
This article refers to a column and argument by Sander Klous.
13 November 2023 - NL accountant

AI surpasses humans in terms of intelligence'
We are at the point where AI will surpass human intelligence within a few years.' Max Welling said in a speech on the occasion of the presentation of the FD Henri Sijthoff Prize.
02 November 2023 - NL Het Financieele Dagblad

AI Hyperrealism: Why AI Faces Are Perceived as More Real Than Human Ones
Portraits created by AI are now so good that people can no longer distinguish them from photos of real people. In fact, AI portraits (at least of white people) are more often referred to as real. UvA-IvI researchers Iris Groen and Theo Gevers comment on this new research.
14 November, 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

NFI (Dutch Forensic Institute) recognizes hidden messages from criminals in photos
NFI/IvI (MultiX) PhD candidate Meike Kombrink about 'steganography': hiding messages in photos, videos, audio or text.
24 October, 2023 - NL

The role of AI in forensic investigation
Interview with NFI/IvI (MultiX) professor Zeno Geradts following his book on the use of artificial intelligence in forensic research.
18 October, 2023 - NL NOS radio 1 journaal

Problems with deepfakes: 4 questions and answers
With two IvI colleagues: Theo Gevers on whether we can also use AI to  recognize deepfakes and Marcel Worring
10 October, 2023 - NL RTL nieuws

Marcel Worring comments on the risks of increasingly better deep-fake videos
item starts at 17:00, Worring at ~ 18:30
10 October, 2023 - NL RTL nieuws

Deepfakes by Tom Hanks and CEO Bunq show the risk of AI videos
Theo Gevers comments on the risks.
08 October, 2023 - NL NOS nieuws

Cees Snoek about sensitive questions surrounding the latest version of ChatGPT
Since the latest update, (the paid version of) ChatGPT can retrieve and process live information from the internet. This new development could further endanger privacy and online security, experts warn. The FD spoke to a number of experts about the sensitive questions this raises, including Cees Snoek.
28 September, 2023 - NL Het Financieele Dagblad

Data driven finance: Do financials learn to rely on an algorithm?
Professor Sander Klous about how can we learn to rely more on AI.
28 August, 2023 - NL Executive Finance

Explainability of AI: Why was this decision made?
How can we learn to rely more on AI? Transparency and explainability, which are often emphasized, are a smaller factor than user experiences, according to Professor Sander Klous: trust comes when we experience the effect of analytics and see the results.
25 August, 2023 - NL Controllers Magazine

How can we better integrate refugees?
Professor Sennay Ghebreab teaches Socially Intelligent AI at the University of Amsterdam. He himself fled to the Netherlands as a child. He talks about it in 'Met het oog op morgen'.
25 August, 2023 - NL NPO radio 1

Zeno Geradts contender for prestigious international prize
Zeno Geradts, forensic scientist at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) and IvI professor by special appointment in Forensic Data Science, has been nominated by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) for the Adelaide Medal of the International Association of Forensic Science (IAFS).
21 August, 2023 - NL NFI

The story behind the AI image.
Professor Theo Gevers about how programs like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion work.
19 August, 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

Big companies' Don Quixote tactics make people passive around AI
AI can be used in a much more socially intelligent way than is currently the case, says researcher Sennay Ghebreab. 'Including the impact on society in their business model is too complex for big tech, that takes too much time and energy.'
15 August, 2023 - NL mt/sprout

The government's millions for AI
Mozhdeh Ariannezhad and Maarten de Rijke in this research article on the direction and nature of government co-funded AI projects.
12 July, 2023 - NL De Groene Amsterdammer

Reddit and Twitter looking for new sources of income
Sander Klous comments on this step.
07 July, 2023 - NL

Talking to your search engine.
Evangelos Kanoulas is asked what search engines will look like in the future.
05, July, 2023 - NEMO Kennislink

Algorithms are not that abstract at all, they just do what people tell them to do. This is how they work.
Sennay Ghebreab comments on the development of an algorithm.
04 July, 2023 - Trouw

Elon Musk's Twitter policy leads to confusion and complaints.
Maarten de Rijke responds to this policy.
04 July, 2023 - Het Financieele Dagblad

Ukraine is full of smart security cameras: almost all of them from China and as leaky as a basket.
Mattijs Koot about Ukraine's mistrust of these cameras.
01 July, 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

Is academic freedom under pressure??
With student Jet, former student Job, professor Peter Sloot (IvI) and science historian Klaas van Berkel, we discuss the question: is academic freedom under pressure?
25 June, 2023 - AT5, Youtube, Dutch

What does Apple's new VR glasses mean for science?
Interview with Rob Belleman about the VR/AR research in the UvA-IvI Visualization Lab, following the announcement of Apple's Vision Pro VR glasses.
08 June, 2023 - NL NPO radio1, De nacht van

This is what experts say about the new Apple glasses.
Article with, among others, Rob Belleman.
06 June, 2023 - NL RTL nieuws

Explainability of AI: Why was this decision made?
Sander Klous on 'how we can learn to trust AI better'.
8 June, 2023 - NL Controllers Magazine

The debacle of 'Harvard aan de Amstel'
Fortunately, the failure of the Duisenberg School of Finance is not illustrative of the collaboration between the financial sector and the universities, write UvA professors Marc Salomon, Marcel Worring and Roel Beetsma.
05 June, 2023 - NL Het Financieele Dagblad

ChatGPT works best for languages of economically prosperous countries
How great ChatGPT works depends on the language you use. The algorithm excels in languages of economically prosperous countries, languages of developing countries often still fall by the wayside. Interview with Christof Monz.
26 May, 2023 – NL Folia

AI deciphers our thoughts
Jop de Vrieze in conversation with brain scientist Iris Groen of the University of Amsterdam about how AI is getting better at reading ...
19 May, 2023 - NL Podcast Knowledge & Co - NPO Radio 1

Not easily accessible
Maarten Marx about documents released under the Woo.
May 2023 - Od magazine, edition 28

AI race' leads to concerns among experts, who are also in the dark
NOS spoke to four AI experts, including Maarten de Rijke, who together have decades of knowledge in this field. They all think that regulations should be introduced quickly.
13 May, 2023 - NL NOS nieuws 

Mind reading in the brain scanner? It can, new research shows
Iris Groen responds to this innovative research by scientists at the University of Texas. 
01 May, 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

Healthcare workers still make little use of technology that can help them
Interview with Somaya Ben Allouch.
28 April, 2023 - NL NPO Radio 1, Nieuws en Co

AI; Promising and disturbing
Cees Snoek analyzes AI opportunities and threats.
21 April, 2023 - NL Nieuw Volendam

Quantum secure cryptography
Interview with Christian Schaffner on Belgian radio about quantum secure cryptography.
17 April, 2023 - NL Business AM
17 April, 2023 - NL Business AM (starts at 14:00)

ChatGPT: how Europe lost the battle for the chatbot in six months
Cees Snoek even warns that ChatGPT is only the 'first wave'.
14 April, 2023 - NL Het Financieele Dagblad

More attention to the moratorium on research collaborations between the UvA and Shell or similar companies
It is precisely for the climate that we have to ally with the enemy.
04 April, 2023 - NL Folia

Answers Minister Dijkgraaf to questions members of House of Representatives
03 April, 2023 - NL Rijksoverheid

Fossil industry File
April, 2023 - NL Folia

Artificial intelligence helps read your brain
Iris Groen praises the combination of existing fMRI measurements with the latest powerful AI models. 
02 April, 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

International support committee set up for teacher Laurens Buijs
Peter Sloot and IvI emeritus Jan Bergstra are mentioned in this article.
31 March, 2023 - NL Folia

Media attention for DESIRE6G project
This project lays the foundation for 6G network architecture, with Chrysa Papagianni and Paola Grosso.
31 March, 2023 - NL Emerce

More media attention for AI4Forensics Lab
With Phd students Meike Kombrink and Eleni Sergidou
30 March, 2023 - NL Folia

Twitter made algorithm public
Sander Klous commented on the disclosure of Twitter's algorithm.
29 March, 2023 - NL

Digital Life receives award at ACM/IEEe conference
Media attention for Somaya Ben Allouch, Lector Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) and UvA-IvI professor by special appointment and her Sorocova team for their award winning paper.
22 March, 2023 - NL Emerce

AI Can Re-create What You See from a Brain Scan
Iris Groen commented on this research.
17 March, 2023 - EN Scientific American

​​​​​Pixyle AI recognized as a 2023 Top 100 Retail Tech Company by CB Insights
Pixyle AI, a leading provider of artificial intelligence-powered product attribution and automatic tagging solutions, has been recognized as a 2023 Top 100 Retail Tech Company. Pixyle AI was founded in 2018 by Svetlana Kordumova, a PhD in AI and Computer vision from the UvA.
17 March, 2023 - EN The Times of San Diego

Hoeksche Waard makes Woo files excellently public
Maarten Marx enthusiastic about the way in which WOO files are put online. 
17 March, 2023 - NL Binnenlands Bestuur

UvA and Netherlands Forensic Institute open joint research lab
More media attention AI4forensics Lab
16 March, 2023 - EN Science Business
14 March, 2023 - EN Security Delta HSD
13 March, 2023 - NL Beveiliging Nieuws

Fair data sharing starts with good compliance
Interview with Sander Klous.
14 March, 2023 - NL

Sennay Ghebreab professor Socially Intelligent AI
14 March, 2023 - NL
10 March, 2023 - NL IP, vakblad informatieprofesssionals

Attention for opening AI4Forensics lab by professional media
with UvA-IvI professors Zeno Geradts and Marcel Worring
13 March, 2023 - NL
13 March, 2023 - NL
13 March, 2023 - NL Data & Privacy Web

A new artificial intelligence system can reconstruct images a person saw based on their brain activity
Iris Groen comments on this new method.
07 March, 2023 - EN Science

Chatbots using artificial intelligence are going to change our lives
Theo Gevers gives his opinion on artificial intelligence in chatbots.
28 February, 2023, NL Trouw

The next Einstein may be a computer, but how long will that be?
The way Max Welling tries to gain new insights into the behavior of molecules.
22 February, 2023 - NL NRC

UvA moratorium delays energy transition and breaches academic freedom
Several media attention on the Open letter of thirty UvA professors and researchers.
21 February, 2023 - NL Folia
15 February, 2023 - NL NOS nieuws
15 February, 2023 - NL NOS journaal, start at 17:35
14 February, 2023 - NL BNN Vara
14 February, 2023 - NL Nieuws & Co, NPO radio 1, start at 30:30
13 February, 2023 - NL AT5
13 February, 2023 - NL Parool
13 February, 2023 - Open Letter - NL Folia
08 February, 2023 - NL Folia

Professor lets victims talk to a deepfake to process traumas
Professor of clinical psychology Agnes van Minnen (Radboud University) has used an application for a therapy in trauma processing. She was approached by Theo Gevers who markets the software commercially.
08 February, 2023 - NL

Make sure we dare to trust analytics
Sander Klous about how we can learn to trust algorithms better.
This article was previously published on January 5, 2021 and now updated on February 6, 2023. 
06 February, 2023 - NL Controllers Magazine

Woo files often not searchable
Files that are made public under the Wet Open Overheid (woo) are often not searchable, says Maarten Marx.
03 February, 2023 - NL Binnenlands Bestuur

Theo Gevers, among others, about deepfake therapy for sexual abuse
28 January, 2023 - NL VRT nws

Maarten de Rijke, among others, comments on the use of ChatGPT
20 January, 2023 - NL Noordhollands Dagblad

Ivana Išgum and Clarisa Sánchez Gutiérrez on predicting a heart attack with AI
26 January, 2023 - NL ICT & Health

Christian Schaffner comments on a multi-million dollar commercial investment in quantum computing
24 January, 2023 - NL Het Financieele Dagblad

Security researcher Matthijs Koot, handed valuable info to NCSC
Security researcher Matthijs Koot, also guest researcher at the Complex Cyber Infrastructure (CCI) group presented the NCSC, national cyber center, with a list of all organizations in the Netherlands that are vulnerable to hacks.
14 January, 2023 - NL De Volkskrant

More media attention for AI program ROBUST, led by the UvA with program leader Maarten de Rijke
23 January 2023 - NL Emerce
23 January 2023 - NL Maakindustrie
19 January 2023 - NL Rijksoverheid
17 January 2023 - NL Het Parool
16 January 2023 - NL Engineers Online
16 January, 2023 - NL Dutch IT Channel
13 January, 2023 - NL Computable
12 January 2023 - NL Engineeringnet
11 January, 2023 - NL Dutch Digital Delta
11 January, 2023 - NL Innovation Origins

Media attention for AI program ROBUST, an ICAI initiative, led by the UvA with program leader Maarten de Rijke
10 January, 2023 - NL NH Nieuws
10 January, 2023 - NL Het Parool
10 January, 2023 - NL Emerce
10 January, 2023 - NL NWO

What is CHATGPT already used for?
Maarten de Rijke, among others, comments on ChatGPT
11 January, 2023 - NL Friesch Dagblad
09 January, 2023 - NL NRC

Honorary doctor Chris Manning: 'Language models write credibly, but not necessarily the truth'
09 January, 2023 - NL Folia

Improved facial recognition on phones still not 100% secure, say experts
Cybersecurity expert Cees de Laat comments.
07 January, 2023 - EN The Brussels Times
27 December, 2022 - NL De Morgen

Criticism? It’s the dose that makes the poison
Arnold Smeulders is quoted in this article.
01 January, 2023 - EN Times of Malta