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The Science Day Amsterdam Science Park on Saturday 5 October 2024 (12:00 -17:00) is for everyone between 6 and 106 years old who is interested in science and wants to know more about it. Take a look behind the scenes of science. Take a test, listen to interesting lectures, take a guided tour or visit a demonstration. Get to know the many topics and techniques being researched in the Amsterdam Science Park. The Science Day Amsterdam Science Park is part of the Weekend of Science. Six organisations are participating in the Science Day, each with their own programme, which you can view here: AMOLF, ARCNL, CWI, NIKHEF and UVA-FNWI.

Activities of the Informatics Institute

@ LAB42
Herkennen van deepfakes
Elektronisch hacken
Dutch Nao team
Visualisation Lab

In the hall of LAB42 are also activities of others institutes

@ main building Science Park 904
Hoe kunnen we AI eerlijk maken?
Het Computermuseum

SustainaLab @ Matrix ONE Science Park 301
Lezing: Hoe werkt een quantum computer?

@ CWI Science Park 123
De Quantum Jungle
Dompel jezelf onder in de quantum revolutie!
Hoe werkt quantum sleutel verdeling?
Ontdek qubits en superpositie via een levensgroot model, en leer wat het verschil is met gewone bits in computers.