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On Monday 2 September all first year students in the bachelor programs in Informatica, Informatiekunde and Kunstmatige Intelligentie gathered in the Nieuwe de la Mar theatre for their very first lecture for the new course Turning Points in Information Sciences.

This course originated from a first idea from prof. Peter Sloot back in 2014, and after some first deliberations with Jacobijn Sandberg and Rob Belleman in 2018, a big team of full professors from IvI and one from ILLC started some two years ago to design and set up this course and collectively they will be teaching this course. The course gives a big history perspective on our field, and using turning points in the history of our field we educate the students on the major developments and break-throughs in our field, on how these developments are interlinked, and on the impact on science and society.

The course will end with a symposium on the future of information (on Friday October 25th in the main hall of Lab42).

Paul Groth director Gradute School of Informatics (GSI)