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On 6 February 2024 was the successful kick-off of the ENVironmental Research Infrastructures Hub Next at the EGI Foundation in Amsterdam.

The ENVRI-Hub Next will deliver an open access Hub and NEXT-level interdisciplinary research framework providing services for advancing science and society.

Dr. Zhiming Zhao and his team of the Multiscale Networked System research group, will lead the development of the knowledgebase and contribute to the development of a cloud Virtual Research Environment.

Coordinated by EGI, the project aims to develop a robust conceptual and technical framework to provide interdisciplinary science-based services to support climate change research and to facilitate the integration of the environmental sciences community into the European Open Science Cloud, guided by the science-based framework of Essential Climate Variables.

Partners en funding

The total budget is five million euros and the UvA will receive €360.000 and will last three years. The project has 21 partners and  is coordinated by Besides UvA, the consortium includes 8 pan-European research infrastructures in environmental and earth sciences (ACTRIS ERIC, AnaEE ERIC, EPOS ERIC, EuroArgo ERIC, IAGOS, ICOS ERIC, LifeWatch ERIC and eLTER).

Read more about the ENVRI community here



Kick-off of the ENVRI-Hub Next at the EGI foundation
Kick-off of the ENVRI-Hub Next at the EGI foundation