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For the third year Paola Grosso (Graduate School of Informatics) and Jacobijn Sandberg (College of Informatics) organized the education day.
Education Day IvI / ILLC
Education Day IvI / ILLC

After a brief presentation of the state of our education, doing well we addressed the subject of ChatGPT and its potential impact on our education. Jelke Bloem (ILLC) explained the technical background and Ivana Bušljeta Banks (TLC Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences) provided examples of how teachers and students could incorporate ChatGPT in a fruitful manner in teaching and learning.

ChatGPT-generated or not
After the presentations, the participants worked together in small groups on different assignments either with use of ChatGPT or without. Upon finishing the assignments the results were distributed, and the participants were asked to evaluate whether these results were ChatGPT-generated or not. A lively discussion followed which addressed the difficulties in evaluating the authenticity of a result, the role of academic assessment and how to make it ChatGPT-proof, next to the potential of using AI tools to improve the quality of teaching and learning.