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On June 12th Loes Crielaard of the UvA-IvI Computational Science Lab and UvA - AMC was granted a PhD with distinction for her impressive work on unravelling health inequalities using computational methods.

Loes Crielaard has succesfully defended her thesis entitled:
‘Adapting to the social environment that we create together: How complexity science changes the way we understand health inequalities’.

Promotores: Prof. Dr. P.M.A. Sloot and Prof. Dr. K. Stronks
Co-Promotores: Dr. R. Quax and Dr M. Nicolaou

The focus of this original work was to use complexity science methods to understand feedback loops between collective processes and individual behaviour in relation to health. 
Her thesis can be found here.
More info on Loes Crielaard.

Photo F. Grevers